Mode of Disease transmission, Vector, Water born, Pharmapedia

Microbiology QUIZ Part XI–Modes of Disease Transmission (VEHICLES AND VECTORS)| GPAT, Drug Inspector, DCO, Pharmacist, EXIT, NIPER

1. Which of the following diseases can be transmitted by water and food? a.     Cholera b.    Poliomyelitis c.     Hepatitis A virus infection d.    All of the above 2. Which of the following diseases can be transmitted by blood? a.     Hepatitis B infection b.    HIV infection c.    

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IMMUNE SYSTEM & COMPLEMENT SYSTEM-Microbiology QUIZ Part IX| GPAT, Drug Inspector, DCO, Pharmacist, EXIT, NIPER

COMPLEMENT SYSTEM 1. Classical pathway of the complement is activated by: a.     Antigen b.    Antibody c.    Antigen – Antibody complex d.    None of the above 2. The alternative pathway of the complement is initiated by: a.     Endotoxins b.    Lipopolysaccharides c.     Yeast cell walls d.    All of the

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CONCEPT OF DISEASE (Epidemiologic triad & Rothman’s Causal Pies)

A. Disease: Any harmful deviation from the normal functional/ structural state of an organism/ person.  The normal state of the organism (human/plant) represents the condition of physiological balance (homeostasis). B. Epidemiologic triad The traditional model for infectious disease:- Interaction of these three factors is necessary to initiate the

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Mycobacterium leprae: Types of Leprosy, Pathogenesis & Epidemiology of leprosy

Leprosy is a chronic bacterial disease and it is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy was first observed by Hansen in 1868 so also known as Hansen disease. It mainly affects the skin, eyes, nose and peripheral nerves. It is a gram-positive acid-fast bacteria for which 5%

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List of Diseases & their Vaccine (Brief Summary table)

VACCINE & DISEASES Disease Vaccine Disease spread by Disease symptoms Disease complications Chickenpox Varicella vaccine protects against chickenpox. Air, direct contact Rash, tiredness, headache, fever Infected blisters, bleeding disorders, encephalitis (brain swelling), pneumonia (infection in the lungs) Diphtheria DTaP* vaccine protects against diphtheria. Air, direct contact

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