AIIMS Pharmacist Exam Question Paper with Answer Key 2018

AIIMS, Pharmacist, Previous, Exam, paper

Total Number of MCQ: 136

Q.1) Which of  the  following  respective  Phase-I and Phase-II  reactions   are the  most common drug biotransformation reactions?

[A] Oxidation and Glucuronidation

[B] Reduction and Acetylation

[C] Hydrolysis and Glucuronidation

[D] Oxidation and Glutathion conjugation

Q.2) Which one of the following  drugs has positive  inotropic  and negative chronotropic action?

[A] Dopamine

[B] Epinephrine

[C] Digoxin

[D] Isoprenaline

Q.3) Which one of the following  therapeutic  classes  has been proved clinically  as a first line  therapy  for  heart  failure   and  has  shown   decreased   hospitalization, improved symptoms  and delayed disease progression?

[A] Cardiac glycosides

[B] ACE Inhibitors [ACE]

[C] Renin Antagonists

[D] Nitrites

Q.4) Which one of  the  following glucose  transporters is  the  new drug  target  for  the management of Type-2 diabetes mellitus?

[A] Sodium glucose linked transporter-2 [SGLT2]

[B] Glucose transporter-1 [GLUT1]

[C] Sodium glucose linked transporter-1 [SGLT1]

[D] Glucose transporter-2 [GLUT2]

Q.5) Which one of the following  modes of HIV transmission carries highest relative risk of infection with single exposure?

[A] Transfusion  of blood and blood products

[B] Perinatal – from mother to child

[C] Sexual contacts  with infected partners

[D] Syringe sharing with drug addicts

Q.6) Which of  the followings  are the critical neurotransmitters  playing major  role in depression?

[A] Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine and Dopamine

[B] Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin

[C] Serotonin, Dopamine and y-Amino butyric acid

[D] Acetylcholine, Serotonin and y-Amino butyric acid

Q.7) A 55 years old man is under DOTS treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis for the last four months.Now, he has developed symptoms of peripheral neuritis. Which one of the followings is the right addition to his therapy to manage peripheral neuritis?

[A] Cyanocobalamin        

[B] a-Lipoic acid

[C] Pyridoxine                 

[D] Prednisolone

Q.8) What is the primary mechanism of action of local anesthetics?

[A] Activation of ligand-gated potassium channels

[B] Blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels

[C] Stimulation of voltage-gated N-type calcium channels

[D] Blockade of GABA-gated chloride channels

Q.9) Which one of the following  anti-arrhythmic drugs acts by inhibiting  potassium, sodium and calcium channels?

[A] Quinidine                   

[B] Lignocaine                 

[C] Amiodarone

[D] Flecainide

Q.10) A 48 years old woman is having the symptoms of weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation, bradycardia, puffy face, lethargy  and dry  skin. These symptoms  are suggestive of which of the followings?

[A] Over use of corticosteroid

[B] Hypothyroidism

[C] Estrogen deficiency

Q.11) Which one of the following receptors is NOT a ligand-gated ion channel receptor?

[A] Nicotinic Receptor      

[B] 5HT3 – Receptor

[C] GABAA – Receptor                   

[D] H2 – Receptor

Q.12) Which one of the following classes of drugs causes side effects  like dryness of mouth, tachycardia, urinary retention, constipation, blurring of vision, precipitation of glaucoma, drowsiness and impairment of cognition?

[A] Anti-adrenergic                              

[B] Anti-cholinergic

[C] An ti-serotonergic                          

[D] Anti-dopaminergic

Q.13) Which  of   the  following   cytokines  are  the   most   important   regulators  in inflammation  and are the targets for anti-inflammatory agents used in rheumatoid arthritis?

[A] Tumor necrosis factor-a and lnterleukin-1

[B] Acetylcholine esterase and Eicosanoids

[C] Leukotrienes and lsoprostanes

[D] Adhesion factor and Monoamine oxidase A

Q.14) Which one of the followings is a FALSE statement for competitive antagonists?

[A] They have an affinity for the agonist binding site on receptor

[B] They have no intrinsic activity

[C] They cause parallel rightward shift of the control dose response curve

[D] Maximum  response  of  the  agonist  cannot  be  achieved  in  their  presence  by increasing the concentration of the agonist.

Q.15) Atypical antipsychotics differ from the typical antipsychotics in various ways that define them as atypical. Which one of the followings is NOT a defining property of the atypical antipsychotics?

[A] Sustained hyperprolactinemia

[B] Improved efficacy in treating the negative symptoms

[C] Lower risk for extrapyramidal side effects [EPSs]

[D] Greater serotonin receptor blockade than dopamine blockade


Q. 16) Which one of the following drugs produces significant relaxation of both venules and arterioles?

 [A] Hydralazine

[B] Minoxidil

[C] Diazoxide

[D] Sodium nitroprusside

 Q.17) Antiviral action of purine analogues is primarily related to the followings: [P] :Inhibition of RNA synthesis [Q] :Inhibition of DNA polymerase [R] :lmmunomodulation [S] :Inhibition of viral penetration

Choose the correct option:

[A] R is correct and Q is incorrect

[B] Q is correct and Sis incorrect

[C] P is correct and R is incorrect

[D] S is correct and P is incorrect

Q.18) Which one of the followings is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor indicated for a variety of malignancies?

[A] lmatinib                      

[B] Paclitaxel                   

[C] Ezetimibe                  

[D] Mitomycin

Q.19) Which one of the followings is the most likely positive sign of pregnancy when detected in urine?

[A] Estrogens

[B] Progesterone

[C] Human Chorionic Gonadotropin [HCG]

[D] Corticotropic Hormone

Q.20) Followings are some opioid analgesics:

[P] :Morphine; [Q]: Pethidine’ [R] :Pentazocine;   [S] : Fentanyl; Choose the correct order of respiratory depressant propensity of these agents.

[A] P>Q>R>S                  

[B] Q>P>R>S                  

[C] R>P>Q>S                 

[D] S>P>Q>R

Q.21) Which one of the following alkaloids is derived from Lysine?

[A] Emetine

[B] Chelidonine                

[C] Lobeline                    

[D] Stachydrine

Q.22) Histologically the barks  of Cinnamomum cassia and Cinnamomum zeylanicum differ in one of the following features.Identify that.

[A] Sclerieds

[C] Pericyclic Fibres

[B] Phloem Fibers

[D] Cortex

Q.23) The following characteristic properties are given in context of saponins: [P] :Saponins give precipitate  by shaking with water.[Q] :Saponins are diterpenes and give foam on shaking with water.; [R] :Saponins are triterpenoidal compounds and cause haemolysis of erythrocytes.; [S] : They are steroidal  or triterpenoidal compounds  with tendency  to reduce surface tension of water. Choose the correct option.

[A] P is true;Q is true;R is true; S is true

[B] P is false; Q is true; R is false;S is true

[C] P is false;Q is true; R is true;S is true

[D] P is false;Q is false; R is true;S is true

Q.24) Read the given statements  about the constituents of Shellac: [P] :Shellolic acid,a major component  of alicyclic fraction is responsible  for colour. [Q]:Shellolic acid, a major component  of aromatic fraction is responsible  for colour. [R] : Shellolic  acid  is  a  major  component   of  aliphatic  fraction   and  laccaic  acid  is ancomponent  of aromatic fraction.

[S] : Aliphatic components  are shellolic acid which is alicyclic and aleuratic acid which is acyclic, while laccaic acid is an aromatic colouring  principle. What is the correct combination  of options?

[A] P is true;Q is true;R is true; S is true

[B] P is false; Q is false;R is false; S is true

[C] P is false;Q is false; R is true;S is true

[D] P is true;Q is false; R is false;S is true

Q.25) Major component of Cymbopogon citratus is citral which is utilized commercially for the followings: [P] :Synthesis of Vitamin A directly from citraI [Q]:Synthesis of Vitamin A by first converting to T-ionone; [R] : Synthesis of Vitamin A by first converting to T-ionone followed by conversion to an ionone which is very important intermediate for carotenoid synthesis.; [S] : Synthesis of  Vitamin  A by  first  conversion  of  citral  to  T-ionone followed  by conversion to P-ionone which is an important intermediate for carotenoid synthesis. Which is the correct combination of options?

[A] P is true;Q is true;R is true; S is true

[B] P is false; Q is true; R is false;S is true

[C] P is false;Q is false; R is true;S is true

[D] P is false;Q is false; R is false;S is false

Q.26) Which one of the following  constituents  is reported to  have anti-hepatotoxic activity?

[A] Podophyllotoxin

[B] Andrographoloid

[C] Linalool

[D] Safranal

Q.27) All of the followings applicable to Lignans are correct statements except for one. Identify the INCORRECT statement.

[A] Lignans are formed by the dimerization of the phenylpropane moiety

[B] Podophyllotoxin can be termed phytochemically as a lignan

[C] Lignans can be formed by cyclization  of phenylpropane nucleus

[D] Lignans are the secondary metabolites  formed from the Shikimic acid pathway

Q.28) Rhizomes of Zingiber officinale contain some sesquiterpene hydrocarbons.Some hydrocarbons are given below: [P] :3-Bisabolene        [Q]: Gingerone A; [R] : Gingerol   [S] : Zingiberene.  Identify the correct pair of constituents  present in the rhizomes.

[A] P and S

[B] P and Q                     

[C] Q and S                    

[D] Q and R

Q.29) Listed below are  the   chemical tests used  to identify some groups  of phytoconstituents.Identify the test for the detectionn  of the purine alkaloids.

[A] Keller-Killani Test

[B] Murexide Test

[C] Shinoda Test

[D] Vitali-Morin Test

Q.30)  Atropine biosynthesis involves a pair of precursors.Identify the correct pair.

[A] Ornithine and Phenylalanine

[B] Tyrosine and Tryptophan

[C] Tryptophan and Dopamine

[D] Tyrosine and Dopamine

Q.31)  Study the following  statements: [P] :Lutein and zeaxanthin are flavonoids;  [Q]:Lutein and zeaxanthin are xanthophylls; [R] :Lutein and zeaxanthin are required to control age-related macular degeneration; [S] : Lutein is a flavonoid while zeaxanthin is its glycoside. Choose the correct answer.

[A] P is correct while Q, R and S are incorrect

[B] Q and R are correct while P and S are incorrect

[C] Statement Pis the only correct statement

[D] Statement S is the only correct statement

Q.32)  Listed below are some phytoconstituents.

[P] :Galactomannan; [R] :Barbaloin; [Q]: Glucomannan; [S] :Phyllanthin;  Identify the constituent present in Aloe vera.

[A] OnlyP                        

[B] Q and R                    

[C] Only S                       

[D] P and S

Q.33) Choose the correct answer for the binomial nomenclature of fruits of star-anise.

[A] Pimpinella anisum

[B] Illicium verum

[C] Illicium anisatum

[D] Illicium religiosum

Q.34)   Peruvoside is naturally  obtained  from  one of  the  following  plants. Identify  the correct name.

[A] Dioscorea

[B] Ginseng                     

[C] Liquorice                   

[D] Thevetia

Q.35) One of the followings is NOT required for the initiation  and maintenance  of plant tissue culture. Identify that.

[A] Sucrose                     

[B] Kinetin                       

[C] Auxin                         

[D] Absicic acid

Q.36) For the equation PV = nRT to hold true for a gas,all of the following conditions  are necessary EXCEPT for ONE.Identify that.

[A] The molecules  of gas must be of negligible volume

[B] Collisions between molecules  must be perfectly elastic

[C] The velocities of all molecules must be equal

[D] The gas must not be decomposing

Q.37) Atracurium besylate,a neuromuscular  blocking agent, is metabolized through one of  the following  reactions.Identify that.

[A] Hoffman  elimination

[B] Hoffman rearrangement

[D] Claisen condensation

[C] Michael addition

Q.38)  Identify the metabolite  of prontosil responsible  for its antibacterial activity.

[A] Sulphacetamide         

[B] Sulphanilamide           

[C] p-Amino benzoic acid 

[D] Probenecid

Q.39) The central bicyclic  ring in penicillin  is named as one of the followings.  Find the correct name.

[A] 1-Thia-4-azabicyclo[3.2.1]heptane 

[B] 4-Thia-l-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane

[C] 4-Thia-l-azabicyclo[3.2]heptane

[D] I-Thia-4-azabicyclo[1.2.3]heptanes

Q.40) Quantification of minute  quantity of a drug from a complex  matrix, without prior separation can be done using one of the following techniques. Identify that.

[A] Coulometry

[B] Potentiometry

[C] Fluorescence spectroscopy

[D] Radioimmunoassay

Q.41)  Read the following  statements carefully about Volhard’s method: [P] :In Volhard’s titration,silver ions are titrated with thiocyanates in acidic solution; [Q]: Ferric  ions  act  as  indicator  in  Volhard’s  method, yielding  reddish  brown  ferric thiocyanate; [R] :Volhard’s method is used to determine halides; [S] : Volhard’s method is a direct titration. Choose the correct  set of answers.

[A] P,Q and R are true and S is false

[B] Q,R and S are true and P is false

[C] R. S and P true and Q is false

[D] P,Q, R and S all are true

Q.42) Read the following  statements about SNA reactions:

[P]:They proceed with complete inversion [Walden inversion]. [Q] :They proceed with racemization plus some net inversion. [R] :They are characterized by rearrangements.

[S]: They are characterized  by the reactivity  sequence, CH3 > 1°>  2°> 3°. Choose the correct combination?

[A] P and Q are true while R and S are false

[B] P and R are true while S and Q are false

[C] Q and R are true while P and S are false

[D] R and S are true while P and Q are false

Q.43)   Followings   are  some  drug  derivatives  used  to  increase/decrease   the  water solubility of the parent drugs: [P] :Rolitetracycline; [Q] :Erythromycin lactobionate; [R] :Chloramphenicol succinate; [S] : Erythromycin stearate. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] Q and R are used to increase water solubility while P and S are used to decrease it

[B] P,Q and R are used to increase water solubility while S is used to decrease it

[C] Q,S and R are used to increase water solubility while P is used to decrease it

[D] Q and S are used to increase water solubility while P and R are used to decrease it

Q.44) One of the following ring systems can be used as the bioisosteric replacement  for benzene ring in drug design: [P]:Thiophene: [Q]: Cyclohexa-1,3-diene; [R]: Pyrrolidine; [S] : lmidazoline; Identify the correct answer.

[A] P    

[B] Q   

[C] R   

[D] S

Q.45) Some of  the  following  statements describe  the properties  of  Dropping  Mercury Electrode [DME] correctly:

[P] Constant renewal of electrode surface eliminates poisoning  effects. ; [Q] Mercury makes many metal ions easily reducible. ;[R] Mercury has large hydrogen over-voltage.; [S] The electrode can get oxidised with ease. Identify the correct combination. ;

[A] All statements  P,Q,RandS  are correct

[B] Statements  P. Q and R only are correct

[C] Statements P, R and S only are correct

[D] Statements P, Q and S only are correct

Q.46) Penicillin ring system is derived from two of the following amino acids: [P] : Alanine and methionine;[Q] :Cysteine and valine; [R] :Glycine and cysteine; [S] : Methionine and leucine. Choose the correct pair.

[A] P        

[B] Q             

[C] R         

[D] S

Q.47) Some statements  are given for clavulanic acid, sulbactam and tazobactam: [P] : All three lack the 6-acylamino side chain; [Q]:All are potent inhibitors  of the enzyme P-lactamase; [R] :All are prodrugs of penicillin; [S] : All have weak antibacterial activity. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P,Q and R are true while S is false

[B] Q,R and S are true while P is false

[C] P,R and S are true while Q is false

[D] P,Q and S are true while R is false

Q.48) Which detector is used in gas chromatography for halogen containing compounds specifically?

[A] Katharometer

[B] Electron capture detector

[C] Flame ionization detector

[D] Thermal conductivity  detector

Q.49) Precessional frequency of a nucleus depends on the followings:

[P] :Quantum of externally applied magnetic field;  [Q] :Quantum of electron density present around the nucleus; [R] :Frequency of applied electromagnetic radiations; [S] : Electronegativity  of the element. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P & Q are true

[B] P & R are true

[C] Q & Rare true

[D] P & S are true

Q.50) Some statements  are given about disodium edetate: [P] :Disodium edetate is a bidentate ligand; [Q] :Disodium edetate is a complexing agent but not a chelating agent; [R] :Disodium edetate can be used for the assay of lithium carbonate; [S] : Disodium edetate can be used for the assay of zinc sulphate. Choose the correct answer.

[A] Q,R & S are true

[B] Q & S are true

[C] S only is true

[D] P, Q, R & S all are true

Q.51) Which one of the following amino acids is the most effective contributor  of protein buffer?

[A] Alanine

[B] Glycine                      

[C] Histidine                    

[D] Arginine

Q.52) Study the following  statements on alkylating agents as antineoplastics: [P] :They get converted to aziridinium ions and bind to 7th position -N atom of guanine of DNA base pairs; [Q] :Nitrogen mustards and Sulfur mustards  belong to this class of drugs; [R] :They inhibit dihydrofolate reductase enzyme thereby inhibiting DNA synthesis; [S] : They  chelate  electropositive atoms   present  in  tHE  DNA thereby  inhibiting   DNA uncoiling. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P and Q are correct

[B] R and S are correct

[C] P and S are correct

[D] Q and R are correct

Q.53)  Following are some statements about Captopril: [P] :It is a prototype molecule in the design of ACE inhibitors; [Q] :It contains a sulphonyl group in its structure; [R] :It has a proline moiety in its structure; [S] : It has an ester linkage. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P & Q are true while R & S are false

[B] Q & R are true while P & S are false

[C] P & R are true while Q & S are false

[D] R & S are true while P & Q are false

Q.54) Cetirizine  as an antihistaminic agent has a low sedative potential due to one of the following reasons.Identify that.

[A] It has a chiral center

[B] It has high log P value

[C] It has high polarity

[D] It has low molecular weight

Q.55) Titanium dioxide is used in sun screen products as a topical protective. The topical protective effect of titanium dioxide is arising due to one of the following properties. Identify that.

[A] It has a high bulk density

[B] It has a high LTV absorptivity

[C] It has a low water solubility

[D] It has a high refractive index

Q.41)  Read the following  statements carefully about Volhard’s method: [P] :In Volhard’s titration,silver ions are titrated with thiocyanates in acidic solution; [Q]: Ferric  ions  act  as  indicator  in  Volhard’s  method, yielding  reddish  brown  ferric thiocyanate; [R] :Volhard’s method is used to determine halides; [S] : Volhard’s method is a direct titration. Choose the correct  set of answers.

[A] P,Q and R are true and S is false

[B] Q,R and S are true and P is false

[C] R. S and P true and Q is false

[D] P,Q, R and S all are true

Q.42) Read the following  statements about SNA reactions:

[P]:They proceed with complete inversion [Walden inversion]. [Q] :They proceed with racemization plus some net inversion. [R] :They are characterized by rearrangements.

[S]: They are characterized  by the reactivity  sequence, CH3 > 1°>  2°> 3°. Choose the correct combination?

[A] P and Q are true while R and S are false

[B] P and R are true while S and Q are false

[C] Q and R are true while P and S are false

[D] R and S are true while P and Q are false

Q.43)   Followings   are  some  drug  derivatives  used  to  increase/decrease   the  water solubility of the parent drugs: [P] :Rolitetracycline; [Q] :Erythromycin lactobionate; [R] :Chloramphenicol succinate; [S] : Erythromycin stearate. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] Q and R are used to increase water solubility while P and S are used to decrease it

[B] P,Q and R are used to increase water solubility while S is used to decrease it

[C] Q,S and R are used to increase water solubility while P is used to decrease it

[D] Q and S are used to increase water solubility while P and R are used to decrease it

Q.44) One of the following ring systems can be used as the bioisosteric replacement  for benzene ring in drug design: [P]:Thiophene: [Q]: Cyclohexa-1,3-diene; [R]: Pyrrolidine; [S] : lmidazoline; Identify the correct answer.

[A] P    

[B] Q   

[C] R   

[D] S

Q.45) Some of  the  following  statements describe  the properties  of  Dropping  Mercury Electrode [DME] correctly:

[P] Constant renewal of electrode surface eliminates poisoning  effects. ; [Q] Mercury makes many metal ions easily reducible. ;[R] Mercury has large hydrogen over-voltage.; [S] The electrode can get oxidised with ease. Identify the correct combination. ;

[A] All statements  P,Q,RandS  are correct

[B] Statements  P. Q and R only are correct

[C] Statements P, R and S only are correct

[D] Statements P, Q and S only are correct

Q.46) Penicillin ring system is derived from two of the following amino acids: [P] : Alanine and methionine;[Q] :Cysteine and valine; [R] :Glycine and cysteine; [S] : Methionine and leucine. Choose the correct pair.

[A] P        

[B] Q             

[C] R         

[D] S

Q.47) Some statements  are given for clavulanic acid, sulbactam and tazobactam: [P] : All three lack the 6-acylamino side chain; [Q]:All are potent inhibitors  of the enzyme P-lactamase; [R] :All are prodrugs of penicillin; [S] : All have weak antibacterial activity. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P,Q and R are true while S is false

[B] Q,R and S are true while P is false

[C] P,R and S are true while Q is false

[D] P,Q and S are true while R is false

Q.48) Which detector is used in gas chromatography for halogen containing compounds specifically?

[A] Katharometer

[B] Electron capture detector

[C] Flame ionization detector

[D] Thermal conductivity  detector

Q.49) Precessional frequency of a nucleus depends on the followings:

[P] :Quantum of externally applied magnetic field;  [Q] :Quantum of electron density present around the nucleus; [R] :Frequency of applied electromagnetic radiations; [S] : Electronegativity  of the element. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P & Q are true

[B] P & R are true

[C] Q & Rare true

[D] P & S are true

Q.50) Some statements  are given about disodium edetate: [P] :Disodium edetate is a bidentate ligand; [Q] :Disodium edetate is a complexing agent but not a chelating agent; [R] :Disodium edetate can be used for the assay of lithium carbonate; [S] : Disodium edetate can be used for the assay of zinc sulphate. Choose the correct answer.

[A] Q,R & S are true

[B] Q & S are true

[C] S only is true

[D] P, Q, R & S all are true

Q.51) Which one of the following amino acids is the most effective contributor  of protein buffer?

[A] Alanine

[B] Glycine                      

[C] Histidine                    

[D] Arginine

Q.52) Study the following  statements on alkylating agents as antineoplastics: [P] :They get converted to aziridinium ions and bind to 7th position -N atom of guanine of DNA base pairs; [Q] :Nitrogen mustards and Sulfur mustards  belong to this class of drugs; [R] :They inhibit dihydrofolate reductase enzyme thereby inhibiting DNA synthesis; [S] : They  chelate  electropositive atoms   present  in  tHE  DNA thereby  inhibiting   DNA uncoiling. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P and Q are correct

[B] R and S are correct

[C] P and S are correct

[D] Q and R are correct

Q.53)  Following are some statements about Captopril: [P] :It is a prototype molecule in the design of ACE inhibitors; [Q] :It contains a sulphonyl group in its structure; [R] :It has a proline moiety in its structure; [S] : It has an ester linkage. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P & Q are true while R & S are false

[B] Q & R are true while P & S are false

[C] P & R are true while Q & S are false

[D] R & S are true while P & Q are false

Q.54) Cetirizine  as an antihistaminic agent has a low sedative potential due to one of the following reasons.Identify that.

[A] It has a chiral center

[B] It has high log P value

[C] It has high polarity

[D] It has low molecular weight

Q.55) Titanium dioxide is used in sun screen products as a topical protective. The topical protective effect of titanium dioxide is arising due to one of the following properties. Identify that.

[A] It has a high bulk density

[B] It has a high LTV absorptivity

[C] It has a low water solubility

[D] It has a high refractive index

Q.71) Which one of the following  statements is NOT true for stainless steel 316?

[A] It is also called inox steel

[B] It contains 10.5- 11% chromium

[C] Due to the presence of chromium it exhibits passivation  phenomenon

[D] It is not affected  by acids

Q.72) Precise control of flow is obtained by which one of the followings?

[A] Needle valve

[B] Butterfly valve            

[C] Gate valve                 

[D] Globe valve

Q.73) Heat  sensitive  materials   like  fruit  juice  are  evaporated  in  which  one  of  the followings?

[A] Long tube vertical evaporator

[B] Calandria type evaporator

[C] Falling film type evaporator

[D] Forced circulation type evaporator

Q. 74) Which of the following conditions  favour formation  of large crystals?

[A] High degree of supersaturation

[B] Low nucleation rate

[C] High magma density

[D] Rapid cooling of magma

Q.75) Which one of the following properties is characteristic of microemulsions?

[A] These are transparent  systems with droplet size less than 1 MICRO METER

[B] These are transparent systems with droplet size less than 10 MICRO METER

[C] These are non-transparent systems with droplet size less than 1 MICRO METER

[D] These are transparent systems with droplet size less than MICRO METER

Q.76)  At  equal  concentrations which  one  of  the  following          mucilages     will  possess maximum viscosity?

[A] Maize starch

[B] Rice starch                

[C] Wheat starch             

[D] Potato starch

Q.77) The integrity  of seals in case of vials  and bottles  is determined  by some  tests. Some of them are given below: [P]:Leaker’s test; [Q]:Water hammer test;  [R]: Spark tester probe; Choose the correct answer.

[A] P & Q

[B] Q&R

[C] P&R                          

[D] P,Q & R all

Q.78) Read the following  statements: [P] : The  surface  area  measurement   using  BET  approach  utilizes argon  gas  for adsorption; [Q]:Full form of BET is Brunauer,Emmett and Teller. Choose the correct answer.

[A] P & Q both are correct

[B] P is correct but Q is incorrect

[C] Q is correct but P is incorrect

[D] Both P & Q are incorrect

Q. 79)  Based on the DLVO theory  of  force  of interaction  between  colloidal  particles, which one of the followings lead to attractive interaction between two particles?

[A] Solvation forces         

[B] Electrostatic  forces

[C] van der Waals forces

D] Steric forces

Q.80) Read the following  statements with regard to viscosity of a polymer solution: [P]:Specific viscosity of a polymer solution is obtained as relative viscosity+ 1 ; [Q]:Relative viscosity is the ratio of the viscosity  of the solution to the viscosity of pure solvent; [R]: Kinematic viscosity is defined as the viscosity of the liquid at a definite temperature. [S] : The unit  for  kinematic  viscosity  is poise  or dyne sec cm-2  Indicate  the  correct combination  of statements.

[A] P & S are correct but Q&R are wrong

[B] Q & R are correct but P & S are wrong

[C] P & Q are correct but R & S are wrong

[D] R & S are correct but P & Q are wrong

 Q.81)  What negative adsorption would do?

[A] Decrease the surface  free energy as well as the surface  tension

[B] Increase the surface free energy as well as the surface tension

[C] Decrease  the surface  free energy but increase the surface  tension

[D] Increase  the surface  free energy but decrease  the surface  tension

Q.82)  Two statements are given regarding the uniformity of dispersion test [LP.]: [P]:It is evaluated using  6 tablets and 500 mwl ater; [Q]:It involves measuring the dispersion time  of each tablet; Choose the correct  set of statements.

[A] P is  correct while Q is incorrect

[B] P & Q both are correct

[C] P is incorrect while Q is correct

[D] Both P & Q are incorrect

Q.83)  Read the following statements: [P] :Caramelization occurs in acidic conditions

[Q]:Caramel is optically  inactive  glucose; [R] :Caramel is obtained by burning of glucose; [S] : Caramel is obtained by degradation of fructose; Choose the right combination of statements.

[A] P & Q are true but R & S are false

[B] P & S are true but Q & R are false

[C] Q & R are true but P & S are false

[D] R & S are true but P & Q are false

Q.84) Find the process  by which the conversion  of sulfasalazine  to sulfapyidine  and 5- amino salicylic acid takes place in the colon?

[A] Hydrolysis

[B] Deamination

[C] Acetylation                 

[D] Azoreduction

Q.85) How much quantity [in grams] of sodium chloride is needed to make 30 ml of a 2% isotonic drug  sodium chloride equivalent 0.20] solution?

[A] 0.60

[B] 0.27                          

[C] 0.15                          

[D] 0.12

Q.85) How much quantity [in grams] of sodium chloride is needed to make 30 ml of a 2% isotonic drug  sodium chloride equivalent 0.20] solution?

[A] 0.60

[B] 0.27                          

[C] 0.15                          

[D] 0.12

Q.86) Read the following statements about lyophilization: [P] :Lyophilization cannot be done in final containers like multiple  dose containers.; [Q]:Lyophilized product needs special methods for reconstitution. ; [R] :Lyophilization causes protein denaturation in tissues.; [S] : Lyophilization is suitable for drying the thermolabile products. Choose the correct combination of statements.

[A] P is true and Q, R & S are false

[B] Q is true and P, R & S are false

[C] R is true and P,Q & S are false

[D] S is true and P,Q & R are false

Q.87) A sample of paracetamol tablets claims to contain 500 mg of paracetamol. But,on analysis by Govt. Analyst, it was found to contain 200 mg. As per Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940, this product would be categorized as what?

[A] Misbranded  drug

[B] Adulterated drug

[C] Spurious drug

[D] Unethical drug

Q.88) Use of which of the following artificial  sweeteners  is permitted  in various dosage forms of Ayurveda,Siddha and Unani proprietary medicines?

[A] Sucralose

[B] Aspartame                 

[C] Saccharin                  

[D] All of them

Q.89) Arrange the following  fatty acids in decreasing order of their unsaturation  [highest to lowest]:[P] Stearic; [Q] Oleic acid; [R] Lmolenic acid; [S] Linoleic acid

[A] P > Q > R > S

[B] S > R > P > Q

[C] R > S > Q > P           

[D] Q > P > R > S

Q.90)  Which  of  the  following mechanisms  is  NOT  related  to  platelet  aggregation inhibitory action?

[A] ADP receptor antagonism

[B] Glycoprotein lib/lila receptor antagonism

[C] Phosphodiesterase inhibition

[D] Prostacyclin inhibition

Q.91) Which of the following  parameters  from  plasma  concentration time  profile  study gives indication of the rate of drug absorption?

[A] Cmax

[B] Tmax

[C] AUC                          

[D] t/2

Q.92) If Cis the concentration of dissolved drug and Cs is the saturation concentration. In which case the sink conditions  are said to be maintained?

[A] C < 20% of Cs

[B] C > 20% of Cs

[C] C < 10% of Cs

[D] C > 10% of Cs

Q.93) Study the following two statements  and choose the correct answer: [P] Antibodies are serum proteins providing immunity.; [Q] lgG provides immunity to new born babies while lgM is the first generated antibody.

[A] P is correct and Q is incorrect

[B] P is incorrect and Q is correct

[C] Both P and Q are correct

[D] Both P and Q are incorrect

Q.94) Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

[A] Chick Martin test uses organic matter in media

[B] The organism  in Rideai-Walker test is S. typhi

[C] Rideai-Walker test uses organic matter in media

[D] The organism in Chick Martin test is S. typhi

Q.95) Which of the following forces contribute to stability of charge-transfer complexes?

[A] Resonance forces

[B] Resonance and London dispersion forces

[C] Dipole-dipole interactions and London dispersion forces

[D] Resonance forces and dipole-dipole interactions

Q.96) Which of the following  isotherms  are produced  when the heat of condensation of successive layers is more than the heat of adsorption of first layer?

[A] Type Ill and IV

[B] Type II and V

[C] Type I and Ill

[D] Type Ill and V

Q.97) Which of the following pumps is used in handling of corrosive liquids?

[A] Turbine pump

[B] Volute pump

[C] Air binding pump

[D] Peristaltic  pump

Q.98) The Reynolds number widely used to classify  flow behavior of fluids is the ratio of which one of the followings:’

[A] Inertial forces to gravitational forces

[B] Inertial forces to viscous forces

[C] Viscous forces to inertial forces

[D] Viscous forces to gravitational forces

Q. 99) S0S means which one of the followings?

[A] Take occasionally

[B] Take immediately

[C] Take when necessary

[D] Take as directed

Q.100) Which statement  is FALSE for Association  Colloids?

[A] They are also called amphiphiles

[B] They contain aggregated molecules

[C] They show partial solvation

[D] They are also called micelles

Q.101) Alkenes show typical electrophilic  addition  reactions. If an electron  withdrawing group is attached  to one of the carbons  bearing  the double bond, what will happen to the mechanism of the addition reaction?

[A] It remains electrophilic

[C] It becomes pericyclic reaction

[B] It becomes free radical addition

[D] It becomes nucleophilic

Q.102)  Five-membered   heteroaromatic     compounds   show   a  much   higher   rate  of electrophilic  aromatic  substitution reactions than the six-membered  ones.This is due to which one of the following reasons?

[A] Five-membered heteroaromatic compounds  have higher circulating  electron density in the ring than the six-membered ones

[B] Five-membered heteroaromatic compounds  have lower circulating  electron density in the ring than the six-membered ones

[C] Five-membered rings are smaller in size than the six membered ones which affects their reaction rates

[D] Six membered  heteroaromatic rings  are  flat  while  the  five-membered  ones  arc puckered

Q.103) Pyridine is more basic than pyrrole. This is due to which of the following facts?

[A] Lone pair of electrons on N in pyrrole is localized

[B] Lone pair of electrons on N in pyridine is localized

[C] Nitrogen of pyrrole has one hydrogen atom attached to it while pyridine does not have any

[D] Pyridine has three double bonds while pyrrole has only two

Q.104) In  nucleophilic  aliphatic  substitution  reactions  arrange the  following  leaving groups in decreasing order of their leaving capacity? [P] Brosyl ; [Q] Hydroxyl; [R] Chloro; [S] Mesyl

[A] S > R > P > Q

[B] P > S > R > Q

[C] R > Q > S > P

[D] R > S > Q > P

Q.105) Indicators used in complexometric  titrations  are chelating agents. Choose the correct statement about them?

[A] Indicator-metal  ion complex  should  have higher  stability  than  EDTA-Metal ion complex

[B] Indicator-metal  ion  complex  should  have  lower  stability  than  EDTA-Metal ion complex

[C] Indicator-metal ion complex should have equal stability as EDTA-Metal ion complex

[D] Stability of the indicator-metal ion complex is not an important criterion in complexometric titrations

Q.106) In polarography, DME has a number of advantages. One of the advantages is that mercury has large hydrogen over potential. It means which one of the followings?

[A] Hydrogen ions get easily reduced on the DME

[B] Hydrogen gas gets easily reduced on the DME

[C] Hydrogen ions require high potential to be reduced at DME

[D] Water is difficult to get oxidized at DME

Q.107) A carbocation  will NOT show one of the following properties. Choose that.

[A] Accept an electron to give a carbene

[B] Eliminate a proton to afford an alkene

[C] Combine with a negative ion

[D] Abstract a hydride ion to form an alkane

Q.108)  The vitamin essential in tissue culture medium is

[A] Pyridoxine                  

[B] Thiamine                   

[C] Nicotinic  acid

[D] Inositol

Q.109) Sildenafil is used for treatment  of one of the following disorders :

[A] Systolic hypertension

[B] Unstable angina

[C] Pulmonary hypertension

[D] Hypertension due to  eclampsia

Q.110) Which one of the following drugs is prescribed for the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome positive patients with Chronic myeloid Leukemia?

[A] Pentostatin                

[B] Methotrexate

[C] lmatinib

[D] L-Asparaginase

Q.111) Which one of the following drugs does NOT act through G-Protein coupled receptors?

[A] Epinephrine

[B] Insulin

[C] Dopamine


Q.112) An isosteric replacement for carboxylic acid group is

[A] pyrrole                       

[B] isoxazole                   

[C] phenol                       


Q.113) A compound will be sensitive towards IR radiation only when one of the following properties undergo transition on

[A] Polarizability

[B] Dielectric constant

[C] Dipole moment

[D] Refractivity

Q.114) X-ray crystallographic analysis of an optically active compound determines its

[A] Optical rotatory dispersive power

[B] Absolute configuration

[C] Relative configuration

[D] Optical purity

Q.115) Which one of the following statements is WRONG?

[A] A singlet or triplet state may result when one of the electrons from the HOMO is excited to higher energy levels

[B] In an excited singlet state,the spin of the electron in the higher energy orbital is paired with the electron in the ground state orbital

[C] Triplet excited state is more stable than the singlet excited state

[D] When the electron from the singlet excited state returns to ground state,the molecule always shows fluorescence phenomenon

Q.116) Purity of water can be assessed by determining one of its following properties instrumentally :

[A] pH  

[B] Refractivity                

[C] Viscosity                    

[D] Conductivity

Q.117) Which one of the following statements is WRONG?

[A] Carbon NMR is less sensitive than proton NMR

[B] 12C nucleus is not magnetically active

[C] Both 13C and H have same spin quantum numbers

[D] The gyromagnetic ratio of H is lesser than that of1 C

Q.118) In the TCA cycle,at which of the following enzyme-catalyzed steps, incorporation of elements of water into an intermediate of the cycle takes place :

[A] Citrate synthase         

[B] Aconitase

[C] Maleate dehydrogenase  

[D] Succinyl Co-A synthase

Q.119) Humectants added in cosmetic preparations generally act by

[A] hydrogen bond formation

[B] covalent bond formation

[C] complex formation

[D] the action of London forces

Q.120) In the mixing of thymol and menthol the following type of incompatibility occurs:

[A] Chemical incompatibility

[B] Therapeutic incompatibility

[C] Physical incompatibility

[D] Tolerance incompatibility

Q.121) Bloom strength is used to check the quality of

[A] Lactose

[B] Ampoules

[C] Hardness of tablets    

[D] Gelatin

Q.122) The characteristic of non-linear pharmacokinetics include :

[A] Area under the curve is proportional to the dose

[B] Elimination half-life remains constant,

[C] Area under the curve is not proportional to the dose

[D] Amount of drug excreted through remains constant

Q.123)  Thioglycolic acid-like compounds have applications in following type of Cosmetic formulations :

[A] Depilatory preparations

[B] Vanishing creams

[C] Epilatory preparations

[D] Skin tan preparations

Q.124) Which one of the following is a flocculating agent for a negatively charged drug?

[A] Aluminium chloride

[B] Bentonite

[C] Tragacanth

[D] Sodium biphosphate

Q.125) The healing agent used in hand creams is

[A] soft paraffin               

[B] urea

[C] bees wax                   

[D] stearyl alcohol

Q.126) Which one of the following is the commonly  used bulking agent in the  formulation of freeze dried low dose drug products?

[A] Sodium chloride

[B] Mannitol

[C] Starch


Q.127) The applicability of Noyes-Whitney equation is to describe

[A] First order kinetics

[B] Zero order kinetics

[C] Mixed order kinetics

[D]Dissolution rate

Q.128) What quantities of 95% v/v and 45% v/v alcohols are to be mixed to make 800 mL  65% v/v alcohol?

[A] 480 ml f 95 % and 320 ml f 45 % alcohol

[B] 320 ml f 95 % and 480 ml f 45 % alcohol

[C] 440 ml f 95 % and 360 ml f 45 % alcohol

[D]360 mL of 95 % and 440 mL of 45 % alcohol

Q.129)  Which one of the following  drugs is withdrawn  from the market due to  torsade de pointes?

[A] Chlorpromazine

[B] Astemizole

[C] Haloperidol

[D] Domperidone

Q.130)  Glass transition temperature is detected through

[A] X-Ray diffractometery

[B] Solution calorimetery

[C] Differential scanning calorimetery

[D] Thermogravimetric analysis

Q.131) Coulter counter is used in determination of

[A] particle surface area   

[B] particle size

[C] particle volume          

[D] all of A, B, C

Q.132) Drugs following one compartment open model pharmacokinetics eliminate

[A] bi-exponentially          

[B] tri-exponentially

[C] non-exponentially       

[D] mono-exponentially

Q.133) The temperature condition for storage of drug products under cold temperature is given as:

[A] temperature between aac and 25QC

[B] temperature below 20C

[C] temperature at

[D] temperature between 2CC and aac

Q.134) Drugs in suspensions and semi-solid formulations always degrade by

[A] first order kinetics

[B]second order kinetics

[C] zero order kinetics

[D] non-linear kinetics

Q.135) In nail polish, following polymer is used as a film-former :

[A] Nitrocellulose

[B] Polylactic acid

[C] Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

[D] Cellulose acetate phthalate

Q.136)  How many ml  a 1:500 w/v stock solution should be used to make 5 liters of 1:2000 w/v solution?

[A] 750 ml                       

[B] 1000 ml                     

[C] 1250 ml                     

[D] 1500 ml

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