Drug Inspector CGPSC Paper 2015 with Answer Key-Chhattisgarh

Q.11)     Which chapter of the Pharmacy Act, 948 deals with the Registration of Pharmacists?

[a]          Chapter II

[b]          Chapter III

[c]          Chapter IV

[d]          Chapter V

Q.12)     When can a person interested may make an application to the controller for grant of compulsory licence

[a]          After the expiration of seven years from the date of grand of patient

[b]          After the expiration of ten years from the date of grand of patient

[c]          After the expiration of twenty years from the date of grand of patient

[d]          After the expiration of three years from the date of grand of patient

Q.13)     Alongwith the duties of Controller of patents this Authority discharges what other duties?

[a]          Controller of Designs

[b]          Registrar of Trademark

[c]          Controller – General of patents Designs and Trademark

[d]          All of the above

Q.14)     Sutures are generally left for the longest time on what part of the body?

[a]          Face

[b]          Scalp

[c]          Joint

[d]          Trunk

Q.15)     Under the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954 the word ‘Advertisement’ means

[a]          Notice

[b]          Circular and label

[c]          Announcement made by any audio – visual means

[d]          All of the above

Q.16)     Which authority is competent under the Drugs and Magic remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954 to frame rules for carrying the purpose of the act?

[a]          State government

[b]          Central Government

[c]          Drugs controller General of India

[d]          Director-General of Health Services

Q.17)     Which body is empowered to make Education Regulations prescribing minimum standards of education required for qualification as a pharmacist?

[a]          Pharmacy council of India, subject to the approval of central Govt

[b]          State pharmacy council, subject to the approval of State Govt

[c]          University Grants Commission, subject to the approval of central Govt

[d]          All India Council of Technical Education, Subject to the approval of Central Govt

Q.18)     Schedule attached to the medicinal and Toiler Preparations (Excise Duties) Act, 1955 gives details of

[a]          Medicinal preparations Allopathic containing alcohol or narcotics

[b]          Medicinal preparations of allopathic, ayurvedic, Unani and other indigenous system of medicines

[c]          Description of dutiable goods Medicinal toiler preparations with their rate of duty

[d]          Description of dutiable goods Medicinal and toiler preparations containing alcohol or narcotics with their rate of duty

Q.19)     Who can be appointed as ‘Authority’ to hear and decide, claims arising out of payment of less than the minimum rates of wages under the minimum wages Act, 1948?

[a]          Commissioner for Workmen’s compensation

[b]          Labour commissioner

[c]          Jundge of a civil court or a stipendiary magistrate

[d]          All of the above

Q.20)     Aspirin can cause problems with which of these conditions?

[a]          Low blood pressure

[b]          Bronchitis

[c]          Sinusitis

[d]          Asthma

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