Offline/ through email applications are invited from eligible candidates from across the country for enrolment into the Assam Rifles under the Compassionate Ground Appointment Scheme. The recruitment rally will tentatively be held from 06 April 2021 onwards at Headquarters Directorate General Assam Rifles, Laitkor, Shillong (Meghalaya) NRS -Guwahati (Assam). Firm Date of reporting to attend the recruitment rally will be intimated to the eligible candidates by registered post followed by uploading of necessary details on our official website from time to time. The candidate will be responsible to check the official website for the firm date to appear in the recruitment rally.

Details of Vacancy:

Post :Warrant Officer Pharmacist (for Male and Female both)

Age Limit(without relaxation): 20-25 years

Pav Scale: Pay scale and other allowance will be as admissible to Assam Rifles Personnel

Essential Education:

(a) 10+2 or equivalent.
(b) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from any recognized lnstitution of the Central or a State Government for which the period of training in two years followed by an internship of which the practical training shall not be less than five hundred hours spread over a period of not less than three months:Provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions;
(c) Possessing the qualifications under Section 31 and 32 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and registered under Section 33 of the said Act;
Trade Test Norms Practical knowledge in pharmacy/chemist incl medicines, operation of pharmacy/drugs fores, draw backs of outdated/damage drugs, interpreting physician orders,detecting therapeutic incompatibilities,dispenses medications by compounding,packaging and labeling pharmaceuticals,pharmacy operational requirements by directing technicians, verifying order entries,charges and inspections, removing outdated and damaged drugs from the pharmacy,maintain safe and clean working environment will be assessed by the Trade (Skill) Test 

How to Apply
Candidates shall submit their offline applications as per form at attached along with self attested copies of educational certificate, domicile certificate,caste certificate, diploma/ technical/ lTl certificate (as applicable) of the trade in accordance with Qualitative Requirements, incl one xerox copy of photo lD i.e. AADHAAR, PAN, Voter lD/ Driving license etc to the address mentioned below:-
The candidates have liberty to intention their choice for multiple trades out of the advertised trades/posts in their application forms. Opportunity for Trade (Skill) Test will be given to the candidates for multiple trades/post accordingly. Final selection will be done in one trade/post of candidate’s choice on clearing all mandatory tests keeping in view the priority level of the candidate and availability of vacancies.6. The candidates may also upload scanned copies of their application along with requisite connected documents in our official e-mail lD till last date of receipt of the applications.

Important Date:

Last date of receipt of applications from eligible candidates is 01 March 2021. Applications received thereafter will not be entertained.

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