Details of Vacancies

Post: Clinical Pharmacist

No of posts: 1

Qualification: Pharm D or M. Pharm/ One year experience as Clinical Pharmacist / Pharmacist in a major multispecialty Hospital with at least 200 beds.

Salary Rs. : 30,000/-

Age: Below 36 years.

Post: Resident Pharmacist

No of posts: 1

Qualification: D. Pharm / B.Pharm

Salary Rs. : 12,000/-

Age: 36 yrs


1. RANK LIST : Specialty wise rank list will be prepared, as per this notification for Assistant Professor. Vacancies shall be filled up for these posts, based on the requirement of the institution in the respective specialty.
a. CONTRACT STAFF: Posting is done on contract basis initially for a period of every 179 days and can be extended for a maximum period of 3 years, subject to satisfactory performance (Maximum 6 tenures).
b. STIPENDIARY TRAINEES: posted in Malabar Cancer Centre will be one year initially and can be extended for a maximum period of 3 years with a break of every 179 days, subject to satisfactory performance (Maximum 5 tenures).
3. Candidate should apply ONLINE through.
4. Please assure that you have the following before proceeding to Online Registration.
• Your photograph in digital form with the following specifications:
• Maximum Image size 30Kb
• Image dimension: 150W x 200HpxImage type: jpg format

5. Application fee: The application fee shall pay online through the payment gateway system provided in the online Application
• CONTRACT STAFF: Application fee for Contract staff is Rs. 50/-(Rupees fifty only) for SC/ST category and Rs.250/- (Rupees Two hundred and fifty only) for others.
• STIPENDIARY TRAINEES: Application fee for Trainees is Rs. 0/- (Rupee Zero) for SC/ST category and Rs. 100/- (Rupees Hundred only) for others.
6. Candidates should produce the originals Certificates along with a self attested copy of the same at the time of Interview.
7. Communication of Interview/Test will be only through e-mail. Candidates are advised to visit our website for updates/notices and announcements.
8. Age will be calculated as on 1st January of the year i.e., 01.01.2022.
9. No TA/DA will be paid for the interview.
10. Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification. Candidates are advised to desist from such unholy practices.
11. The Director – MCC will hold the right to reject any application without any information.

Important Date:

Online Applications [Available from 09-01-2023, 11.00 AM to 18-01- 2023, 05.00 P.M.]


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