Official storage conditions of Pharmaceutical product as per defined by the USP (United StATE Pharmacopoeia) & IP (INDIAN Pharmacopoeia)

Storage conditionAs per USP
Coldtemperature not exceeding 8°C and refrigerator is a cold place where the temperature is maintained between 2 and 8°C.
Controlled Cold Temperaturetemperature maintained thermostatically between 2° and 8°C.
Coolany temperature between 8 and 15°C
Room Temperature (RT)temperature prevailing in a working area
Warmany temperature between 30 and 40°C
Excessive Heatany heat above 40°C
Freezer–25°C and –10°C. (Prepared by
Protect from Freezingin addition to the risk of breakage of the container, freezing subjects an article to loss of a product to a loss of strength, potency or to destructive alteration its characteristics, the container label should bear appropriate instructions to protect the product from freezing
Dry Placedenotes a place that does not exceed 40% average relative humidity (RH) at Controlled Room Temperature
Storage condition as per USP
Storage conditionAs per IP
COLDAny temperature not exceeding 8°C & usually between 2 and 8°C.
CoolAny temperature between 8 and 25°C
ROOM TEMPERATURE Temperature prevailing in a working area
WarmAny temperature between 30 and 40°C
Freezer-2° to -18° C
DRY PLACEWell-ventilated place at a temperature not exceeding 30°
Storage condition as per IP
Refrigerator2°C – 8°C
Cold8°C – 15°C2°C – 8°C<8°C1°C – 15°C
Cool8°C – 15°C8°C – 15°C8°C – 15°C
Room temperature15°C – 25°C15°C – 25°Ctemperature prevailing in a work area1°C – 30°C
Controlled room temperature20°C – 25°C
excursions between 15°C and 30°C are allowed
Ambient temperature15°C – 25°C or 30°C depending on climatic conditions

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