Details of Vacancies
Post: Pharmacist (Allopathy)
No of posts: 21
Qualification: D.Pharm with 2 yrs Experience or B. Pharm
Candidates Retired from Central /State Government/ Local Govt. Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings and from Defence Services (Ex – SM).
Tenure of appointment : 180 days or until regular candidate joins, whichever is earlier.
Salary Rs. : Last pay drawn minus Pension fixed
Age: 65 yrs
- The appointment is purely on contract basis for a period of 180 days with effect from the date of joining, or till a regular candidate joins, whichever is earlier. Appointment can be terminated at any time on either side by giving 15 days’ notice. The Government reserves the right to terminate the appointment by paying remuneration for half a month in lieu of notice without assigning any reason.
- Last pay drawn minus pension fixed shall be paid. The remuneration shall commence from the date of reporting to duty at the place of posting. The remuneration shall be paid only after receiving attendance- cum-satisfactory performance report from CMO I/C of the Wellness Center where the appointee is posted.
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