SGPGIMS, Pharmacist job

Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, is a Super-Speciality teaching and training Medical Institution, situated to the Southeast of Lucknow city on Lucknow-Raebareli Road, and is nearly 12 Km from the main (Charbagh) railway station, Lucknow Airport and city center (Hazratganj).

Details of Vacancies

Post : Pharmacist Gr. III

No of Posts : 14 (SC-03, OBC-03+01*, EWS-01, UR-05)

Essential Educational Qualification
Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institute and with 03 years experience in the line in a large (more than 200 bedded) hospital.
Pay Matrix Level as per 7th CPC : Level-5


1. Applicants who have submitted their applications earlier against (i) Advt No. PGI/I-33/Rectt /2017-2018 (ii) Advt. No. I-55/2015-16 (iii) Advt. No. I-13/2013-14 and Advt No. I-02/Nursing College/2017-18 should also apply afresh, if they fulfil the requisite qualification and experience. However, their age shall be considered as per the earlier advertisement and the fees shall not be required to be deposited again, but a (self attested) photo copy of depositing fee/DD/transaction Id and (self attested) photo copy of earlier applied Application form must be uploaded at the appropriate Colum of the present Application Form. These relaxations will apply only after the verification of relevant information provided by the candidate. Any information provided by the candidate and found to be false at any stage of recruitment process, then the candidature of the candidate shall be summarily rejected.
2. The post of Technical Officer (Sr. Perfusion) in Advt. no. I-13/2013-14 at sl. N0. 4 were filled up and the same condition shall not apply for the post of Technical Officer.
3. The detailed advertisement can be seen at Institute’s website
4. Numbers of posts/positions may increase/decrease.
5. Candidates are required to mention above Advertisement Number (column 1 of the above table) for the post applied for at appropriate column of application form.

Important Date:

Online Application forms are expected to be active from 1st week of December, 2021 (Tentatively). Please visit the SGPGI website ( regularly for final date.

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