Details of Vacancies

Post: Pharmacist

No of posts: 12 posts

Post: Sr. Pharmacist (Warehouse)

No of posts: 12 posts


No of posts: 2 posts

Qualification: Bachelor in Pharmacy from any recognized institution (with minimum 60% of marks) with 3 years of post – qualification experience in drug warehouse management / store & inventory management.

Salary Rs. : Basic pay Rs.- 35400/-, Level-9, DA & other allowances will be paid as per the corporation norms.

Age: 40 years


A. Career Weightage – 60% (HSC or equivalent -20%, Qualifying Diploma Degree (D.Pharm) – 40%)

B. Experience Weightage – 40%. i. Weightage on total years of experience – 20 % 2% weightage shall be counted for each year of post-qualification experience subject to maximum 20% i.e. 10 Years. (One year shall be calculated as total of 12 months and one month shall be calculated as total of 30 days) ii. Weightage on relevant experience – 20% (a) Working experience as Jr. Pharmacist – Warehouse in any Government Medical Corporation run under the Government Sector. (10%) (b) Working experience as Jr. Pharmacist – Warehouse in any Govt. institutions / State Govt. / Central Govt. / Central PSU / State PSU in India. (5%) (c) Working experience as Jr. Pharmacist – Warehouse in any Hospitals having 200 beds or more / in any Medical College & Hospitals having 200 beds or more / in any Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry with a turnover of Rs. 50 crores or more in India. (5%).

C. Qualifying Computer Test : To ensure adequate zone of consideration, candidates in the ratio of 1:10 (category – wise) shall be called for computer test, which will be qualifying in nature. (Candidates will be shortlisted for computer test in the proportion of 1:10 on the basis of the score in the career weightage (60%) and experience weightage (40%) taken together as explained above.) The final selection shall be made on the basis of the total score in the career (60%) and experience (40%) as per the weightage decided above.

Important Date:

Last Date : Last date for applying online is 30.12.2022, 11:59 PM.


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