Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Hospital conducts walk in Interview for appointment of Pharmacist on Locum basis
Details of Vacancy:
Pharmacist: 4 posts
Qualification & Experience : HSC(10+2) + two years Diploma in Pharmacy + 3 months training in pharmacy + valid registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council
Emoluments : Rs.16720/- plus DA(pre revised)) admissible to Pharmacist A
Essential Education:
Qualification & Experience : HSC(10+2) + two years Diploma in Pharmacy + 3 months training in pharmacy + valid registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council
Emoluments : Rs.16720/- plus DA(pre revised)) admissible to Pharmacist A
Important Date:
1. The duly filled in application in specified format himself attested Xerox copies of the relevant documents/certificates may be sent on e-mail address by 25.02.2021. duly scanned in PDF format, size of which should not exceed 5 MB and the attachments should be readable. Incomplete application and applications reaching after the due date will not be accepted.
2. List of screened in candidates will be displayed on the BARC website day, date, time & place of interview by 5.3.2021. Candidates will have to attend the interview according to the dates mentioned in the list against their name.
3. Thereafter the list of select panel will be displayed on the website.
4. Candidate should bring all the Original certificates at the time of appointment failing which their candidature will stand cancelled.
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