On the 50th Anniversary year of the Indian Independence, the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi has instituted the  Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board. The Board has been incorporated with the purpose of recruiting capable, competent, highly skilled individuals by conducting written tests, professional tests and personal interviews wherever as desired. The Board shall hereby committed to develop selection and recruitment procedures that confirm to the global standards in testing, and promise selections by all fair means, of the most competent, capable, and skilled individuals for user departments.

Online Applications are invited for recruitment to the following posts under different departments under Govt. of NCT of Delh

Details of Vacancy:

Pharmacist(Ayurveda): 24 posts
Pharmacist (Unani): 14 posts
Pharmacist(Homeopathy): 44 posts

Essential Education:

1)Matric or equivalent from a recognized Institution.
2)Training in Upvaid/ Bheshja Kalpak course of not less than 02 years from a Government Organization or from a Government recognized institution
Pharmacist (Unani):

1) Matric or equivalent from a recognized Institution.
2)Diploma in Unani Pharmacy of not less than 02 years from a Government Organization or from a Government recognized Institution

1)10+2 with Science Subject.
2) Diploma in Homoeopathy Pharmacy of not less than 02 years from a Government Board / Institution.

Important Date:

Opening Date of Application: 15/03/2021 (15t March, 2021)
Closing Date of Application: 14/04/2021 (14th April, 2021)

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