Answer key:- at the end of the page
1)Blood and blood products are governed by which Schedule of the Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940?
- a) Schedule B
- b) {c}Schedule C and C1
- c) Schedule G
- d) Schedule W
2) The Chairman of Drug Technical Advisory Board is:
a) Drug Controller General of India, Government of India
b) Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India
c) Director General of Health Services, Government of India
d) President, Pharmacy Council of India, Government of India
3) Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) is under the control of:
a) Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India
b) {c}Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
c) Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India
d) Central Bureau of Investigation, Government of India
4) What is pore size in membrane filter?
a) 0.5 µm
b) {c} 0.22 µm
c) 0.45 µm
d) µm
5) Black fluid is
a) {c}Homogenous coaltar acid solution
b) Suspension of activated charcoal
c) Cresol with soap solution
d) None of these
6) Which schedule is related to GMP for ASU drugs?
a) Schedule A
b) {c}Schedule T
c) Schedule B
d) Schedule M
7) What should be called the drug if it an imitation of another drug according to D & C act?
a) Misbranded drug
b) Adulterated drug
c) Imitated drug
d) {c}Spurious drug
8) Which schedule gives information about fees for test or analysis by the central drugs laboratories or state drugs laboratories?
a) Schedule F
b) Schedule Y
c) Schedule K
d) {c}Schedule B
9) What is in the “First Schedule” of Drugs & Cosmetic Act, 1940?
a) {c}List of books
b) List of Glasswares
c) List of Equipments
d) List of forms
10) What is the duration of renewal license periods for selling drugs?
a) {c}5 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 6 years
11) The temperature condition for storage of drug products under cold temperature is given as:
a) Temperature between 8C and 25
b) Temperature below 2C
c) Temperature 0C
d) {c}Temperature between 2C and 8
12) The First Schedule to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 prescribes
a) standards for cosmetics
b) standards for medical devices
c) {c}authoritative books of Ayurvedic, Sidhha and Unani Tibb system
d) standards of the drugs to be complied with by imported drugs
13) Which of the following is not a ‘drug’ as per the law?
a) Empty gelatin capsule
b) Mosquito repellent cream
c) Substances for diagnosis of disease
d) {c}None of the above
14) Who among the following is the Chairman of Drug Technical Advisory Board?
a) The Drugs Controller of India
b) The President of Pharmacy Council of India
c) The President of Medical Council of India
d) {c}The Director General of Health Services
15) The Central Drugs Laboratory is situated in
a) Mumbai
b) {c}Kolkata
c) Delhi
d) Lucknow
16) A drug not labelled in the prescribed manner shall be treated as
a) adulterated drug
b) spurious drug
c) {c}misbranded drug
i) mischievous drug
17) A licence to import drugs specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 shall be issued in
a) Form 8
b) Form 8A
c) Form 10
d) {c}Form 10A
18) An original licence to sell drugs, unless sooner suspended or cancelled, shall be Valid for
a) two years
b) three years
c) four years
d) {c}five years
19) The warning, To be sold by retail by the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner Only’, shall appear on the label of
a) {c}Schedule H drug
b) Schedule X drug
c) Schedule M drug and Schedule X drug
d) Schedule G drug
20) Requirements of factory premises for the manufacture of cosmetics are mentioned, in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 under
a) Schedule M
b) Schedule MI
c) {c}Schedule MII
d) Schedule MIII
21) Fluoride content in toothpaste shall not be more than
a) 100 p.p.m
b) 500 p.p.m
c) {c}1000 p.p.m
d) 1500 p.p.m
22) Schedule F to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 prescribes the
a) {c}requirements for the functioning and operation of a blood bank
b) standards for surgical dressings
c) list of drugs to be prescribed
d) standards for disinfectant fluids
Answer Key
Q. No | Ans | Q. No. | Ans |
(1). | (11). | ||
(2). | (12). | ||
(3). | (13). | ||
(4). | (14). | ||
(5). | (15). | ||
(6). | (16). | ||
(7). | (17). | ||
(8). | (18). | ||
(9). | (19). | ||
(10). | (20). |
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