Details of Vacancies
Name of Posts:
Professor: 4 posts
Associate Professor: 4 posts
Assistant Professor: 8
Education Qualification:
As per UGC
As per UGC
- The application form along with qualifications and eligibility may be download from the university website i.e. and he/she will have to enclose the D.D. of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for sc/st/pwd) drawn in favour of Registrar, University of Kota, Kota while submitting the dully filled application form.
- Applicants applying for more than one post/department must apply separately fee has to be paid for each post.
- The Dully filled prescribed form must reach to the office of Registrar, University if Kota on or before 18.11.2023. Persons, who are already employed, should send their application through proper channel.
- For complete details in this regard, please visit university website i.e.
Important Dates:-
Last Date: 18.11.2022
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