The Extra Pharmacopoeia, originally produced by William Martindale (Pharmacist) in 1883 and now published by the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, contains information on the drugs presently used in Great Britain.

Due to the accumulation of information up to the year 1910 the subject matter to be divided into two volumes in the initial editions of Martindale. The first double volume edition was published in 1912. In December 1933, the pharmaceutical society of Great Britain acquired the copy right of the Extra Pharmacopoeia upon the death of Dr W.H Martindale son of William Martindale. Thereafter the society is continuing to issue it under the editorship of the director of pharmaceutical sciences department. 23rd edition of volume II was published in 1955 and the 24th edition of volume I was published in 1958. Supplement for 24th  edition was published in 1961. In February 1967 the 25th  edition was published by the pharmaceutical society of Great Britain. While the 26th edition was released in July 1972.

From the extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale), one can obtain most complete information on every type of pharmaceutical or drug. This book was rich especially with therapeutic and clinical information of the drugs. For inorganic pharmaceuticals there are several other useful literature references are included.

The 30th edition of Martindale contains up to date authoritative information on drugs and medicine which are used throughout the world was published in 1993. It is written for all those involve in use of drugs and medicines including practicing pharmacists and physicians.

In order to meet the requirements of today’s reader the latest edition of Martindale has been markedly changed. It includes a significant shift to a more clinical emphasis an increase in the number of referenced reviews and a massive increase information on proprietary medicines. In addition usual period between editions was shorten to meet the need for up to date information.

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