Pharmaceutical Eardrop, Nasal drop, Nasal spray

  1. Liquid/Solution meant for External use
  2. Liquid/Solutions used for Internal Use:

Ear drops

  • These are solutions that are instilled into the ear with a dropper (prepared in water, glycerine, propylene glycol & dilute alcohol as vehicles.
    • Ear drops are used for
    • Cleaning the ear
    • Softening the wax
    • Treating the infection
  • Containers = colored fluted glass bottle with a dropper in the cap or suitable plastic container.

Nasal drops

These are isotonic solution that are instilled into the nose with a dropper.

  • Notes: Oily vehicles is not used because oily drops inhibit the movement of cilia in the nasal mucosa & may cause lipoid pneumonia if used for long period.
  • Nasal drops should
    • Isotonic with 0.9% NaCl
    • Neutral pH – (phosphate buffer of pH 6.5 as a vehicle)
    • Viscosity similar to nasal secretion by using 0.5% methylcellulose.
    • Preparation must not interfere with the cleansing action of epithelial cilia of the nasal mucosa.
    • Dispensed in–colored fluted bottles filter with a dropper plastic container.

Nasal Spray

  • Nasal spray is used to reduce nasal congestion & to treat infections.
  • Nasal spray/solution is sprayed using scent spray type of Atomiser or plastic squeeze bottle in the coarse droplets form.
  • Should be Isotonic & buffered at pH 6.2 (phosphate buffer)

List of Isotonic preparations

  • Isotonic preparations including
    • Nasal drops
    •  Nasal spray
    • Ophthalmic preparation
    • Parenteral preparation

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