What is Dose of the drug:
Dose of the drug is the appropriate amount of a drug needed to produce certain degree of response in a patient to achieve the desired pharmacological effects.
Drug dosage is determined by
- Potency of Drug
- Pharmacokinetics property of the drug
- Concentrate of drug at which it present at the target site
Types of Dose
1. Standard Dose
- It is the same dose which is used for the most patient.
- There is minor variation in individual
- Standard dose of drug has wide safety margin
- Example: Oral contraceptive, Penicillin & Chloroquine
2. Regulated Dose
- For Drug that modifies a finely regulated body function which can be easily measured.
- Dose of such drug can be accurately adjusted by repeated measurement of the affected parameters such as blood pressure, blood sugar level etc.
- Example: Antihypertensive drugs, Hypoglycemic drug, Anti- coagulant etc
3. Target Level Dose
- Target level of doses are used when response of drug not easily measurable. Such response can be measured in blood plasma conc.
- To achieve targeted blood level of dose-
- Empirical dose is given to attain target level than adjustment is done later by measuring the plasma conc.
- Example: Anti-depressant drug, Anti-epileptic drug & Digoxin
4. Titrated Dose
Dose need to produce maximum therapeutic effect can not be given patient to the patient because this dose of drug causes intolerable adverse effect so titrated dose is used in such patient.
Titrated dose is given in two ways
- In critical situation, initially high dose is given than gradually downward titration of the medication
- In General situation, initially low dose is given than upward of titration dose
Example: Ani-caner drug, Corticosteroids, Levodopa
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