Drug Control Officer Syllabus HPSC Haryana

58. Crude  drugs:  Biological  source,  chief  chemical  constituents,  chemical  tests  and importance of crude drugs belonging to: Volatile oils: Black pepper, menthe, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, caraway, dill, clove, eucalyptus, sandal wood; Alkaloids: Rauwolfia, Datura, Coffee, Opium, Ephedra, Cinchona, Noxvomica, Kurchi, Epedra : Tannins: Pale catechu, black catechu, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia arjuna; Glycosides: Seena, Aloe, Liquorice, Digitalis, Dioscorea, Ginseng, Traditional Drugs: Brahmi, Tulsi, Bael, Ashwagadha.

59. Biogenetic pathways: Formation of primary and secondary metabolites, Study of Shikimic acid pathway, Mevalonate acetate pathway, Malonate pathway.

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