Research Pharmacist, PGIMER, Pharmapedia

Project applications are invited for the post of “Research Pharmacist” in the Pediatric Neurology Unit in the Department of Pediatrics, PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Details of Vacancies

Post : Research Pharmacist

Essential qualifications and requirements : Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized institute. OR Diploma in Pharmacy with 3 years of experience in a health care institution. He/she must be registered in the concerned state pharmacy council.
Age limit : 40 years
Desirable experience : 1 year working experience in a research project involving children

Monthly consolidated Emoluments : Rs. 31,000/-


1. All educational professional and technical qualification should be from a recognized Board/ University and full-time.
2. The experience requirement specified should be experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications required for the post.
3. Persons working in Govt. or Public Sector undertaking should produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of Interview.
4. Age will be reckoned from last date of receipt of application.
5.No TA/DA will be paid for written screening test or interview.
6. Incomplete applications will stand summarily rejected without assigning any reasons.
7. The salary is a consolidated sum as per sanctioned order without any other benefits. Salary mentioned against the position is the maximum. 8. This position is strictly project-based. With anticipated duration of 3 years.
9. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
10. Once online application is submitted, no correction/ modification is possible.

11. No queries will be entertained at the office/phone.
12. List of eligible candidates will be available on PGIMER website on December 15, 2021.
13. Based on the number of applications, eligible candidates would either need to appear for written screening test (Medical and general aptitude questions) or for interview. This would be notified along with the list of eligible candidates on PGIMER website on December 15, 2021. The tentative date of written examination is Dec 16, 2021 and that for the interview will be Dec 17, 2021.
14. Please ensure that the mobile number and E mail shared is correct as all communication will be digital.

GENERAL CONDITIONS : The conditions of employment will be the same as that of the project staff on contract basis. The candidates have no right to claim for any regular employment at PGIMER. The appointing authority has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.

Interested candidates should apply by filling a Google form using the link by 1700 hrs on December 14th, 2021. Offline submission is not permitted.

Important Date:

December 14th, 2021

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