Pharmacy Council of India/PCI

The Pharmacy Council of India is a statutory body constituted under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. The Council was first constituted on 09th March, 1949 and has a proud and glorious history of 72 years of professional leadership.

It is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. It consists of the members from difference constituencies representing the pharmacy professionals like teachers, regulators etc. from:

  • University Grant Commission;
  • Central Government ;
  • Medical Council of India;
  • Director-General of Health Services;
  • Drugs Controller General (India);
  • Director of Central Drug Laboratory;
  • All India Council for Technical Education;
  • State Pharmacy Councils;
  • State Governments and Union Territories.

Main activities/function of PCI (Pharmacy Council of India)

The Pharmacy Council of India is established for the purpose of regulating the profession and practice of pharmacy in the country. The main activities of the Council relating to the laying of minimum standards of education required for qualification as a pharmacist and the approval of the courses of study and examinations. The Council is also empowered to approve the qualifications granted by foreign countries on a reciprocal basis provided that such qualification guarantees the requisite skill and knowledge to its satisfaction. In addition, the Council also maintains a Central Register which contains the names of all persons registered with the State Pharmacy Councils/ Registration Tribunals.

On 9 th March 1949, the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) was constituted to fulfill the objectives of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 by way of:

(i) Prescribing the minimum standard of education required for qualifying as a pharmacist i.e., framing of Education Regulations prescribing the conditions to be fulfilled by the institutions seeking approval of the PCI for imparting education in Pharmacy.
(ii) Ensuring uniform implementation of the educational standards throughout the country.
(iii) Approving the courses of study and examination for pharmacists i.e., approval of the academic training institutions providing pharmacy courses.
(iv) Withdrawing approval, if the course of study does not continue to be in conformity with the educational standards prescribed by the PCI.
(v) Approving qualifications granted outside the territories to which the Pharmacy Act, 1948 extends i.e., the approval of foreign qualification.
(vi) Maintaining Central Register of Pharmacists.

Composition of Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)

Ex-Officio MembersElected membersNominated members
(1)Director General of Medical & Health services, Govt of India or his/her nominee(1) Six members of whom at least one teacher of each of the subject of pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology & Pharmacognosy elected by UGC from amongst teacher of Indian Universities or affiliated colleges imparting diploma or degree in Pharmacy(1) Six members nominated by Govt. of India, MHRD, of which at least 4 should possess degree or diploma in Pharmacy qualification & should be practicing pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry.
(2) Drug Controller of General of India(2) One member elected from MCI (Medical Council of India).(2) One representative from AICTE & One members from UGC
(3) Director, Central Drugs Laboratory (CDL), Kolkatta(3) One member elected by the state Pharmacy Council of each state who should be a registered pharmacist(3) One member representing each State Govt. or Union Territory who shall be a registered pharmacist nominated by respective State Govt. or Union Territory.
Total Ex-Officio members: 3
Composition of PCI

Elected & Nominated members of Pharmacy Council of India

The Central Council of (PCI) elects the President, Vice-President, and five members of the Executive Committee (EC) from amongst its members by-election conducted in accordance with the norms laid down in the Pharmacy Act. Any dispute arising out of the election of the Executive Committee of PCI is referred to as the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, whose decision shall be final.

The President or in his absence Vice-President chairs the meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee. The Central Council meets at least once in a year where as, the Executive Committee meets more frequently depending on the quantum of work usually, 4 times in a year. The term of the President, Vice-President and the Council Members is for 5 years unless otherwise, re-elected or re-nominated, as the case may be. Ex-officio members of PCI hold their membership by virtue of their designation and cease to be the members on retirement or replacement. The Director-General of Health Services, Government of India and the Drugs Controller General of India may send their nominees in writing for attending a specific meeting in case they are unable to attend the meeting.

Any member of the Central Council or Executive Committee who remains absent continuously for 3 meetings without intimation or without any valid reason is eligible to be disqualified as a member of the Council.

The Council appoints the Secretary or Registrar of PCI, who can also act as Treasurer. The Council appoints the other staff including Deputy Secretary or Assistant Secretaries to run the office.

State Pharmacy Council & Joint state pharmacy council

State Pharmacy Council is charged with the responsibility of maintaining an up-to-date register of the registered pharmacists within the State. With an amendment to Section 42 of the Pharmacy Act, no person other than registered pharmacists can compound, dispense or do the retail business pertaining to medicines.

State Pharmacy Council of one State can also cater to the needs of other States through an official agreement. There can also be Joint State Pharmacy Council covering two or more States under an official agreement.

The composition of the State Pharmacy Council or the Joint State Pharmacy Council

The composition of the State Pharmacy Council constituted by the State Government or the Joint State Pharmacy Council constituted by participating States is as follows:

Elected and Nominated member of State Pharmacy Council

State Pharmacy CouncilJoint State Pharmacy Council
I. Elected members (7 members)
Six members elected by a registered pharmacist of the particular state.
One member who is a registered medical practitioner elected by the MCI of state
(1)3-5 members elected from Registered pharmacists of each participating state.
(2) One registered Medical practitioners elected by MCI of each participating state.
II. Nominated Members (5 members)
Five members nominated by each state of which at least 3 should be Degree or Diploma holders in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical chemistry(3) 2-4 members nominated from each participating state of which more than 50% shall be the persons with degree or diploma qualification in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry
III. Ex-Officio Members
(i) A Chief Administrative Officer or Incharge, Medical & Health Services of State;
(ii) An Officer Incharge for Drugs & Cosmetic Act, 1940 of each State
(iii) An One Government Analyst under DCA, 1940 nominated by the State Government
(i) Chief Administrative Officer or Incharge, Medical & Health Services of each participating state
(ii) Officer Incharge for Drugs & Cosmetic Act, 1940 of participating state
(iii) One Government Analyst under DCA, 1940 nominated by each participating state
Total Nominated members: 5
Total Elected members: 7
Total Ex-Officio Members: 3
Total Ex-Officio Members: 3
composition of the State Pharmacy Council or the Joint State Pharmacy Council

State Pharmacy Council is charged with the responsibility of maintaining an up-to-date register of registered pharmacists within the State. With an amendment to Section 42 of the Pharmacy Act, no person other than registered pharmacists can compound, dispense or do the retail business pertaining to medicines.

State Pharmacy Council of one State can also cater to the needs of other States through an official agreement. There can also be Joint State Pharmacy Council covering two or more States under an official agreement.

The term of State Pharmacy Council is for 5 years. The Council elects the President and Vice-president of the State Pharmacy Council who hold office for 5 years, provided he/she continues as a member of the Council.

The Executive Committee of State Pharmacy Council (SPC) comprises of 5 members elected from amongst its members. The SPC appoints a Registrar who shall be the Secretary of the Council and he/she may also be the Treasurer. The appointment of other officers, fixing of the salaries and payment of allowances to the members are also done by SPC.

The SPC is a Statutory Body with perpetual succession, can hold property with a common seal and sue or be sued. State Pharmacy Council is the custodian of the register of registered pharmacists in the State.

The Council sends five copies of register to Pharmacy Council of India. State Pharmacy Council can fix the registration fee on annual basis or a long-term basis. It has to send of its collection of registration fee every year before 1 st of May to the Pharmacy Council of India. State Pharmacy Council, from time to time, keeps informed the concerned State Government about its activities. The SPC also organizes continuing education programs for registered pharmacists with a view to updating their professional skills and knowledge.

A State Pharmacy Council, with permission of the Government, may appoint Inspectors with prescribed qualification under section 26-A to inspect any premises where drugs are compounded or dispensed, enquire in the qualification of a person engaged in professional activity, investigate the complaint in writing and institute prosecution in consultation with SPC.

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