Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence/Forensic Pharmacy Quiz-II | GPAT, DI, B.Pharm, D.Pharm & M.Pharm

Answer key:- at the end of the page

(1). The Drugs (Price Control) Order, 1995 does not take into account one of the following in fixing the retail price:

  1. Material cost and conversion cost
  2. Packing material and packing charges
  3. Excise duty
  4. Local taxes

(2). New drugs developed through research are exempted from price control for a period of:

  1. 5 years
  2. 10 years
  3. 15 years
  4. 20 years

(3). Forms used to send a memorandum to Government Analyst under Schedule A is done in:

  1. Form 14-A
  2. Form 18 and 18-A
  3. Form 15
  4. Form-19

(4). License for retail of drugs specified in Schedule X is given in the following form

  1. 20A
  2. 20B
  3. 20F
  4. 20G

(5). The effectiveness of the new drug is confirmed in one of the following phases of clinical trials:

  1. Phase I
  2. Phase II
  3. Phase III
  4. Phase IV

(6). The sale of opium to the state governments or manufacturing chemists is made by Central Government Opium factory located at:

  1. Ghaziabad
  2. Ghazipur
  3. Ghorakhpur
  4. Goa

(7). The pharmacy council of India was constituted in which year?

  1. 1949
  2. 1948
  3. 1947
  4. 1950

(8). All products of parenteral use are listed under the following Schedule:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

(9). The total number of State Pharmacy Council members are:

  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 20
  4. 25

(10) The first edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia was out in:

  1. 1945
  2. 1950
  3. 1955
  4. 1960

11)  The list of diseases and ailments that a drug should not claim to cure are given in the following schedule of Pharmacy Act, 1940:

a)            H

b)            J

c)            K

d)            M

12)         The drugs and Magic Remedies Act came into force in:

a)            1953

b)            1954

c)            1955

d)            1956

13)         Ayurvedic preparations containing less than the following % of self generated alcohol are exepted from excise duty as per the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act, 1955:

a)            1%

b)            2%

c)            3%

d)            4%

14)         The first National Institute for Pharmacy Education and Research (NIPER) was started at:

a)            Banaras

b)            Chennai

c)            Mohali

d)            Chandigarh

15)         Regarding functions of the Pharmacy Councils in India one of the following is not correct:

a)            A state council takes care of the corresponding state

b)            A state council can serve the need of another state

c)            There can be joint council to serve the need of both the states

d)            The central council can also serve the need of a state

16)  As per the medicinal and toilet preparations act, ‘Bonded Laboratories’ means:

a)            Excise duty has not been paid

b)            Excise duty has been paid

c)            Excise duty need not be paid

d)            None of the above

17) Opium is the dried latex obtained by vertical incisions of the following part of papaver somniferum:

a)            Ripe capsules

b)           Unripe capsules

c)            Semiripe capsules

d)            All of the above

18) For pyrogen test which animal is taken for experiment?

a)            Rat

b)            Cat

c)           Rabbit

d)            Hamster

19) The preparing and dispensing of drug is known as :

a)            Pharmacotherapeutics

b)            Pharmacy

c)            Pharmacology

d)            Pharmacognosy

20) Narcotic drug and psychotropic drugs act, 1985, came into effect on

a)            1.1.1985 

b)            14.11.1985 

c)            26.1.1996 

d)            14.11.1986

Answer Key

Q. NoAnsQ. No.Ans
(1).4 (11).b
(2).1 (12).b
(3).2 (13).b
(4).3 (14).c
(5).3 (15).d
(6).2 (16).a
(7).1 (17).b
(8).3 (18).c
(9).2 (19).b
(10).3 (20).b
Answer key Jurisprudence MCQ 1

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