Pharmaceutical Aids
Pharmaceutical aids are the substances which have no or little pharmacological effect but they are essentially used in the preparation of pharmaceutical dosage form
Pharmaceutical aids are the substances which have no or little pharmacological effect but they are essentially used in the preparation of pharmaceutical dosage form
Preservative: Classification of Preservative based on mechanism of action & sources; their concentration as preservative
Preservatives: Definition, types & uses of Preservative Read More »
Types of Jelly, Advantage & Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Jellies
Cream: Topical Preparation Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of conditions such as rashes, skin irritation, stings, fungal infections, etc. are normally supplied in the form of a cream or ointment as this provides an effective means of delivering the active ingredient directly to the required area Pharmaceutical Creams (topical preparation) are homogeneous, semi-solid or viscous
Types of Solution/Monophasic Liquid Dosage form, Solutions, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant & solvents used for Oral Liquid Preparation,
Monophasic Liquid Dosage form & Its Classification Read More »