GPAT Exam Paper 2023 with Answer Key

Q.61) For disguising the astringent and metallic taste of iron salts in children’s mixture, the following flavoring agent in used

*[a] Orange syrup and compound orange syrup

[b] Lemon syrup

[c] Liquorice liquid extract

[d] Aromatic water

Q.62) Electrophilic substitution reaction of pyridine, when carried out in the presence of KNO3 and conc. H2SO4 at 300°C, leads to the formation of

[a] 4-Nitropyridine

*[b] 3-Nitropyridine

[c] 2-Nitropyridine

[d] N-nitro pyridinium salt

Q.63) The drug price control order (DPCO) is an order issued by the Government under the enables it to fix the prices of some essential bulk and their formulations which

*[a] Essential Commodities Act

[b] Essential Commodities Amendment

[c] Essential Commodities Accessories

[d] Ethical Commodities Act

Q.64) The perfect orientation for a Diels-Alder reaction between the reactants is

*[a] Diene should be S-cis and reaction endo facing

[b] Diene should be S-cis and reaction exo facing

[c] Diene should be S-trans and reaction endo facing

[d] Diene should be S-trans and reaction exo facing

Q.65) Which of the following terms is used to describe the “Partial or complete separation of the top or body crowns of a tablet from the main body of the tablet”

[a] Lamination

*[b] Capping

[c] Picking

[d] Mottling

Q.66) Which of the following gives correct rank order from fastest to slowest of the relative rates in SN reaction of methyl bromide, tert-butyl bromide, isopropyl bromide and ethyl bromide

*[a] Methyl bromide > Ethyl Bromide > Isopropyl bromide > tert-Butyl bromide

[b] tert-Butyl bromide > Isopropyl bromide > Ethyl Bromide > Methyl bromide

[c] Ethyl bromide > Methyl Bromide > Isopropyl bromide > tert-Butyl bromide

[d] Methyl bromide > Ethyl Bromide > tert-Butyl bromide > Isopropyl bromide

Q.67) Match List I with List II

List 1List 2
1. Dextran[P] Clostridium tetani
2. Bacterial amylase[Q] Brevibacterium sp
3. Glutamic acid[R] Leuconostoc mesenteroides
4. Vitamin B12[S] Bacillus subtilis
 [T] Streptomyces olivaceus

Choose the correct answer from the options given below

[a] 1-[T], 2-[P], 3-[S], 4-[R]

[b] 1-[P], 2-[S], 3-[Q], 4-[R]

[c] 1-[Q], 2-[R], 3-[T], 4-[S]

*[d] 1-[R], 2-[S], 3-[Q], 4-[T]

Q.68) According to IP and BP very fine powder is one in which

*[a] All particles pass through 120# sieve

[b] 90% particles pass through 350# sieve

[c] All particles pass through 350# sieve

[d] 90% particles are of size < 10m

Q.69) Identify the drug that is not among the drugs recommended as first time drug in the treatment of Partial seizers with or without generalization

[a] Carbamazepine

[b] Valproate

*[c] Diazepam

[d] Lamotrigine

Q.70) A 70 kg woman was administered 1000 mg of the drug as i.v bolus. After its uniform distribution in the body, the plasma concentration of the drug was found to be 50 mg/L. What is its volume of distribution

[a] 70L

[b] 500L

*[c] 20L

[d] 0.1L

Q.71) Lucas test is very rapid with

[a] 1°alcohol

[b] 2°alcohol

*[c] 3°alcohol

[d] Phenol

Q.72) Suspensions containing a high percentage (about 50% or greater) of small deflocculated particles would show which of the following flow properties

[a] Plastic flow

*[b] Dilatant flow

[c] Newtonian flow

[d] Pseudoplastic flow

Q.73) Lateral geniculate nucleus is associated with

*[a] Vision

[b] Hearing

[c] Olfaction

[d] Gustation

Q.74) Choose the most appropriate statement for the Peptic ulcer disease caused by NSAIDs

[a] H2 antagonists offer rapid healing of ulcer provided the NSAID is discontinued

*[b] H2 antagonists offer rapid healing

[c] Proton Pump Inhibitor is to be given only if the NSAID is discontinued

[d] NSAIDs are strictly contraindicated with Proton Pump Inhibitors

Q.75) Statement I: In vasospastic angina, the imbalance occurs when the myocardial oxygen requirement increases, as during exercise, and coronary blood flow does not increase proportionately.

Statement II: In Prinzmetal’s angina, oxygen delivery decreases as a result of reversible coronary vasospasm

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below

[a] Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

[b] Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

[c] Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

*[d] Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Q.76) Out of the following solvents which one is not a polar solvent

[a] Ethanol

[b] Methanol

*[c] Hexane

[d] Water

Q.77) Identify the vibrational modes shown by sulfur dioxide molecule in IR spectroscopy

*[a] Symmetric stretching and asymmetric stretching

[b] Symmetric stretching and scissoring

[c] Asymmetric stretching and scissoring

[d] Symmetric stretching, asymmetric stretching and scissoring

Q.78) How would you prepare 2000 mL of 0.15 M NaOH aqueous solution

*[a] Dissolve 12 g of NaOH in distilled water and dilute to 2000 mL

[b] Dissolve 15 g of NaOH in distilled water and dilute to 2000 mL

[c] Dissolve 10 g of NaOH in distilled water and dilute to 2000 mL

[d] Dissolve 7.5 g of NaOH in distilled water and dilute to 2000 mL

Q.79) DNA and RNA contain the following two major purine bases

[a] Guanine and Cytosine

*[b] Adenine and Guanine

[c] Thymine and Uracil

[d] Adenine and Uracil

Q.80) Dipole-dipole weak interactions are also called as

[a] London forces

[b] Debye interactions

[c] Electrovalent forces

*[d] Keesom forces

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