CGHS Pharmacist Question Paper 2018 with Answer Key

Note: Here our team has included only MCQ Question of Pharmacy subject. To download complete Question paper with GK, Language Grammar, please download paper.

  • CGHS Pharmacist Paper contains 4 sections comprising total 100 MCQ.
    • Section 1:- English, Hindi- 25 MCQ;
    • Section 2:- GK- 10 MCQ
    • Section 3:- Logical Reasoning- 15 MCQ
    • Section 4:- Pharmacy Domain- 50 MCQ

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CGHS Pharmacist Solved Paper 2018

Q.1) Which of the following is not among the ORPHAN DRUGS?

[A] Fomepizole

[B] Ketocanazole

[C] Liposomal amphotericin B

[D] Sodium nitrite

Q.2) In which year, the pharmacy act was passed

[A] 1965

[B] 1947

[C] 1948

[D] 1950

Q.3) Which of the following products VASOCONSTRICTION as the most prominent action?

[A] Angiotensin-II

[B] Fenoldopam

[C] Sodium Nitroprusside

[D] Nicardipine

Q.4) The normal range of HDL Cholesterol in a male is?

[A] 120 to 140 mg/dl

[B] 30 to 60 mg/dl

[C] 160 to 200 mg/dl

[D] 40 to 60 mg/dl

Q.5) BLOOD GROUP ANTIGEN belong which of the following class of proteins?

[A] Chromoproteins

[B] Lipoproteins

[C] Nucleoproteins

[D] Glycoproteins

Q.6) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or thyrotropic Hormone is secreted by which gland?

[A] Posterior Pituitary

[B] Anterior Pituitary

[C] Thyroid

[D] Supra renal

Q.7) For the management of Asthamatic cough, which of the following is a right treatment approach?

[A] H2 blocker

[B] Antibiotics

[C] Proton pump Inhibitor

[D] Inhaled βagonists

Q.8) The recommended daily allowance of ‘Vitamin-A’ for women is:

[A] 50 mcg/Day

[B] 750 mcg/Day

[C] 450 mcg/Day

[D] 250 mcg/Day

Q.9) Among the following Antidepressant Psychotropic drugs, which one belongs to the classification of “Monoamine oxidase inhibitors”

[A] Caffeine

[B] Fluoxetine

[C] Tranylcypromine

[D] Amphetamines

Q.10) The normal rhythmical impulse is generated from which point in the conductive system of heart?

[A] Atrioventricular Bundle

[B] Sinoatrial Node

[C] Purkinje Fiber

[D] Atrioventricular Node

Q.11) Which of the following is Cholinergic Blocking agent?

[A] Carbachol

[B] Acetylcholine

[C] Atropine

[D] Pilocarpine

Q.12) Which of the following enzyme is markedly increased in ‘Obstructive Liver Disease’?

[A] Creatine Kinase

[B] Alanine Aminotransferase

[C] Alkaline Phosphatase

[D] Asparate Aminotransferase

Q.13) Which of the following is a POTASSIUM SPARING DIURETIC?

[A] Spironolactone

[B] Isosorbide

[C] Mannitol

[D] Glycerol

Q.14) For how many years is the “shop work license” issued by the labor office valid from the date of its receipt?

[A] 3 Years

[B] 5 years

[C] 4 years

[D] 2 Years

Q.15) Which one of the following cytotoxic drugs used in chemotherapy is an antimetabolite?

[A] Methotrexate

[B] Methclothaimine

[C] Iphosphamide

[D] Cyclophosphamide

Q.16) Which of the following chamber of heart receives venous blood from the whole body?

[A] Right Ventricle

[B] Right Atrium

[C] Left Ventricle

[D] Left Atrium

Q.17) What is the penalty for ’commercial quantity sale’ of Drugs that cause dependence or Abuse?

[A] Rigorous Imprisonment for 10 to 20 years + fine of ₹ 1 to 2 lakh

[B] Rigorous Imprisonment for 4 to 6 years + fine of ₹ 50,000 to 60,000

[C] Rigorous Imprisonment for 1 to 2 years + fine of ₹ ₹ 10,000 to 20,000

[D] Rigorous Imprisonment for 5 to 6 years + fine of ₹ 3 to 4 lakh

Q.18) Which of the following is the largest tarsal bone?

[A] Navicular

[B] Calcaneus

[C] Cuboid

[D] Talus

Q.19) The route of administration of Human monovalent live vaccine(RV1) for Rotavirus is:

[A] Subcutaneous

[B] Oral

[C] Intramuscular

[D] Intra-dermal

Q.20) At what temperature ‘the short and medium chain fatty acids’ are SOLIDS?

[A] 5 °C

[B] 15 °C

[C] 25 °C

[D] 35 °C

Q.21) Which one of the following is NOT a salient feature of a Hospital Pharmacy?

[A] Supply of Pharmaceutical Drugs

[B] Dispensing of Narcotic Products

[C] Design of a new drug

[D] Supply and storage of ancillary products

Q.22) The in stomach is secreted by which type of cells?

[A] Mucus neck cells

[B] Enterochromaffin (EC)cells

[C] Parietal cells

[D] Enterochromaffin-like (ECL)cells

Q.23) Which of the following can be used as an antidote for Atropine?

[A] Propantheline

[B] Oxyphenonium

[C] Hyocine butyl bromide

[D] Physostigmine

Q.24) Which of the following is a Heteroglycan?

[A] Starch

[B] Glycogen

[C] Cellulose

[D] Hyaluronic acid

Q.25) Which of the following is a LIPOLYTIC ENZYME?

[A] Trypsin

[B] Nuclease

[C] Cholesterol ester hydrolase

[D] Chymotrypsin

Q.26) What is the fatal dose of Antihistamines?

[A] 1 to 5 mg/Kg

[B] 25 to 50 mg/Kg

[C] 5 to 10 mg/Kg

[D] 10 to 15 mg/Kg

Q.27) All of the below are sources of Vitamin E, EXCEPT:

[A] Wheat germ oil

[B] Sunflower oil

[C] Fish liver oil

[D] Cotton seed oil

Q.28) Which of the following is in the normal range of weight of the Right Lung in an adult?

[A] 1175 gm

[B] 120 gm

[C] 625 gm

[D] 1345 gm

Q.29) Which of the following is primary site of action of local anesthetic?

[A] Mitochondria

[B] Cytoplasm

[C] Nucleus

[D] Cell Membrane

Q.30) Which of the following food source has the highest ‘Mean Iodine content’?

[A] Meat

[B] Vegetables

[C] Fresh water fish

[D] Sea water fish 

Q.31) Which of the following drug acts as a “Mucolytic”?

[A] Carbocisteine

[B] Chlorpheniramine

[C] Salbutamol

[D] Codeine

Q.32) DNA Replication and Transcription is the function of which subcellular organelle?

[A] Endoplasmic Reticulum

[B] Nucleus

[C] Golgi body

[D] Lysosome

Q.33) what is the maintenance dose of Roxatidine?

[A] 150 mg Twice a day

[B] 75 mg at Bed time

[C] 150 mg Three times a day

[D] 75 mg Three times a day

Q.34) The route of administration of vaccine BCG is?

[A] Oral

[B] Intra-muscular

[C] Intravenous

[D] Intra-dermal

Q.35) Which of the following is NOT a lipid derived autacoids?

[A] Leukotrienes

[B] Prostaglandins

[C] Histamine

[D] Platelet activating factor

Q.36) Which of the following is an example of AROMATIC AMINO ACIDS?

[A] Asparagine

[B] Threonine

[C] Glutamine

[D] Tyrosine

Q.37) what is the lethal dose of paraldehyde?

[A] 25 to 50 mL

[B] 5 to 10 mL

[C] 15-20 mL

[D] 10-15 mL

Q.38) Among the peripherally acting muscle relaxants, which of the following is a DEPOLARIZING BLOCKER?

[A] Pancuronium

[B] Pipecuronium

[C] Suxamethonium

[D] Atracurium

Q.39) METHADONE helps in recovery of which of the following type of Drug dependence?

[A] Morphine type

[B] Cocaine type

[C] Cannabis type

[D] Amphetamine type

Q.40) The group of enzymes which can hydrolyze ester, ether, peptide or glycosidic bonds by adding water and then breaking the bond is _________.

[A] Lyases

[B] Transferases

[C] Hydrolases

[D] Oxidoreductases

Q.41) Which of the following symptoms is NOT specific of DRUG HABITUATION?

[A] Tendency to increase the drug dose

[B] Has desire for drug but no compulsions

[C] No tendency to increase the drug dose

[D] None or mild drug withdrawal symptoms

Q.42) What is the dose of hepatitis B for children from 10 years of age?

[A] 0.5 mL

[B] [A]5 mL

[C] 1 mL

[D] 2 mL

Q.43) In utilization of finance, the “Fixed Capital” is invested on which of the following:

[A] Purchase of raw materials

[B] Wages and rent

[C] Plant and Machinery

[D] Taxes and interest

Q.44) “Varicella vaccine” is given for the prevention of which of the following diseases?

[A] Chicken pox

[B] Cervical cancer

[C] Hepatitis A

[D] Tuberculosis

Q.45) How many coccygeal vertebrae fuse to form Coccyx Bone?

[A] 4

[B] 6

[C] 2

[D] 8

Q.46) Which of the following CNS (Central Nervous System) depressant Barbiturates is long acting?

[A] Barbitone

[B] Thiamylal sodium

[C] Pentothal sodium

[D] Cyclobarbital

Q.47) When PARASYMPETHETIC STIMULATING drugs are used, Which of the following action on heart is noted?

[A] Bradycardia

[B] Conductivity is enhanced

[C] Tachycardia

[D] Refractory period of atria is shortened

Q.48) What is the chemical formula of Acetic Acid?

[A] CH3-(CH2)16-COOH

[B] CH3-(CH2)2-COOH


[D] CH3-(CH2)14-COOH

Q.49) Conjunctival Xerosis occurs due to deficiency Which of the following vitamins?

[A] Vitamin A

[B] Vitamin B12

[C] Vitamin K

[D] Vitamin C

Q.50) What is the name of “type of drug administration” in which the drug is deposited in the loose tissue under the skin which is richly supplied by nerves but is less vascular?

[A] Intravenous

[B] Subcutaneous

[C] Intrathecal

[D] Intradermal

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CGHS Pharmacist Solved Paper 2018

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