Microbiology QUIZ Part VI- IDENTIFICATION OF BACTERIA | GPAT, Drug Inspector, DCO, Pharmacist, EXIT, NIPER

Microbiology, MCQ, Identification, Bacteria, Pharmapedia

1. The Gram negative organism is

A. Actinomyces

B. Bacillus

C. Clostridium

D. None of these

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Answer: D

2. Catalase production is negative in which of the following?

A. Streptococcus

B. Salmonella

C. Proteus

D. Staphylococcus

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Answer: A

3. Which of the following is a substitute for crystal violet used in gram-staining procedure?

A. Methylene blue

B. Bromocresol green

C. Safranin

D. Phenolpthalene

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Ans: A

4. Which of the following inference(s) indicate(s) the ability of an organism to utilize citrate as a sole source of carbon in Simmon’s citrate medium?

A. Blue colour

B. Appearance of growth

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

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Ans: A

5. The organisms that can be acid-fast stained is

A. Nocardia

B. Tuhercle bacilli

C. Lepra Bascilli

D. All of these

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6. The primary stain of Gram’s method is

A. safranin

B. phenolpthalene

C. crystal violet

D. methyl red

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7. At what concentration of sulphuric acid, Nocardia resists decolourization?

A. 0.5% sulphuric acid

B. 5% sulphuric acid

C. 10% sulphuric acid

D. 8% sulphuric acid

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8. Which of the following is commonly used as Gram’s decolouriser?

A. Ethyl alcohol

B. Methyl alcohol

C. Acetone

D. A mixture of ethyl alcohol and acetone

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9. Production of acetone can be detected by which of the following tests?

A. Citrate test

B. Voges-Proskauer test

C. Methyl red test

D. Indole test

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10. The production of sufficient acid by fermentation of glucose leads to decrease in pH of the medium falls Below 4.5. Which if the following test can detect it?

A. Indole test

B. Methyl red test

C. Citrate utilization test

D. Voges-Proskauer test

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11. What is the colour of gram -postive bacteria on a gram staining?

A. Purple

B. Pink

C. Colourless

D. Green

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12. What is the colour of gram-negative bacteria on a gram staining?

A. Purple

B. Pink

C. Green

D. Colourless

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13. Which of the following is a primary stain for acid fast staining of mycobacteria?

A. Crystal violet

B. Carbol fuchsin

C. geimsa

D. Methylene blue

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14. The deinococci are gram-positive cocci and rods that are distinctive in their unusually great resistance to

A. radiation

B. desiccation

C. Both (a) and (b)

D.Dextreme temperatures

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15. Which of the following shows a positive urease test?

A. Proteus

B. Klebsiella

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

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16. Which of the following(s) is/ are oxidase-positive bacteria?

A. Vibrio

B. Neisseria

C. Pseudomonas

D. All of these

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17. What is the order of reagents used in the Gram stain?

A. Crystal violet, iodine, safranin, decolorizer

B. Crystal violet, iodine, decolorizer, safranin

C. Safranin, crystal violet, decolorizer, iodine

D. Crystal violet, safranin, iodine, decolorizer

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18. Gram staining was developed accidentally in 1884 by

A. Alexander Fleming

B. Hans Christian Gram

C. Joseph Christian Gram

D. Robert Gram

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19. Which of the following organisms can be demonstrated with silver impregnation method?

A. Vibrios B

B. Salmonella

C. Spirochaetes

D. Shigella

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20. Which of the following(s) show(s) positive results for phenylalanine deaminase test?

A. Providencia

B. Proteus

C. Morganella

D. All of these

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21. The process of Gram staining is based on the ability of bacterial cell wall

A. to retain the safranin dye

B. to retain the crystal violet dye during solvent treatment.

C. to retain part of both dyes

D. none of above

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22. All of the following bacteria are urease test positive except:

a. Klebsiella sp.

b. yersinia enterocolitica

c.  Yersinia pestis

d.    Helicobacter pylori

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23. Catalase test is negative in:

a.     Staphylococcus aureus

b.Salmonella typhi

c. Streptococcus pyogenes

d. Klebsiella sp.

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24. All of the following bacteria are oxidase test positive except:                       

a.     Neisseria meningitides

b. Vibrio cholera

c.     Escherichia coli

d. Pleisiomonas sp.

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25. Phenylalanine deaminase test is negative in:

a. Proteus vulgaris

b. Providencia sp.

c. Morganella sp.

d. Klebsiella sp.

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26. Which of the following tests detects the production of acetyl methyl carbinol from pyruvic acid in the media?

a. Methyl red test

b. Voges-Proskauer test

c. Urease test

d. Citrate utilisation test

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27. Triple sugar iron (TSI) agar medium contains all the following carbohydrates except:

a.  Glucose

b. Lactose

c. Sucrose

d. Mannitol

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Antiseptic and Disinfectant-Microbiology MCQ Quiz | GPAT Pharmacist DI NIPER

1 / 20

Temperature & time used in holder method of Pasteurization is

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Chemical disinfectants which can be safely applied to living tissue to prevent infection are known as

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The process by which on article medium or surface is made free of Microorganism/MO is known as

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Disposable syringes are sterilized by

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Antiseptic action of alcohol mainly due to

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Which of the following is a non-ionization radiation used in disinfectant/sterilization

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In Tyndallisation process user for sterilization of egg, serum media involves

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Flash method of Pasteurization

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Biological indicator used in moist heat sterilization method to check effectiveness of a given sterilization method

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Cold sterilization is also know as

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Physical Integrity test for disc membrane filter is checked by

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In HEPA filter, HEPA stands for ...

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Porosity of membrane filter medium in the process of sterilization by filtration

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In dry heat Sterilization holding temp & time

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. Sterilization of Non-aqueous thermostable can be carry out using

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Holding temperature & time in the moist heat sterilization (Autoclave)

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To sterile aqueous & surgical materials which one of the following method would be preferred

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Culture media use to carry out sterility test of parenteral & ophthalmic preparation

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Sterility test for sterile preparation are carried out by

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Microbiology QUIZ -Part I - Historical Introduction | GPAT, Drug Inspector, DCO, Pharmacist, Pharmacist, EXIT, NIPER

The Pharmapedia team has launched complete MCQ Quiz of Microbiology subject. You will find day by day quiz covering all topic of Microbiology.

1 / 9

Which is the first human disease proved to be of viral origin?

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Who introduced vaccination method for prevention of small pox?

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Who proposed ‘side chain theory’ of antibody production?

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Who discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

5 / 9

Who introduced methods of obtaining bacteria in pure cultures using solid media?

6 / 9

The term vaccine was coined by:

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Who introduced the techniques of sterilization?

8 / 9

Who is known as the Father of Microbiology?

9 / 9

Who is known as the ‘Father of Chemotherapy’?

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Microbiology QUIZ Part XII- Virus, Virus-Host Interaction & Bacteriophage

1 / 24

Which of the following character/s is/are due to lysogenic conversion?

2 / 24

In which of the following processes, bacteriophage may act as carrier of genes from one bacterium to another?

3 / 24

The area of lysis on a bacterial growth caused by a phage is known as:

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Which of the following bacteria can be typed by using phages??

5 / 24

Bacteriophage that parasitises a bacterium without lysing it, is known as :

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Which of the following drugs is/are active against HIV?

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Amantidine is used in the treatment of

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Acyclovir is used in the treatment of :

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Which of the following vaccines is killed vaccine?

10 / 24

All of the following vaccines are live except

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Electron microscopy can be used for the laboratory diagnosis of:

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All of the following viruses may be transmitted through genital tract except

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All of the following viruses are transmitted by the respiratory route except

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Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies are found in cells infected with:

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Which of the following routes of inoculating embryonated hen’s egg is/are used for cultivationof viruses?

16 / 24

Which of the following is a diploid cell line?

17 / 24

Which of the following is the continuous cell line used in diagnostic virology?

18 / 24

Which of the following viruses is/are enveloped?

19 / 24

Which of the following viruses is/are non-enveloped?

20 / 24

Poxviruses show

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Enveloped viruses are susceptible to:

22 / 24

Which of the following is the smallest virus?

23 / 24

Which of the following is the largest virus?

24 / 24

Which of the following characteristics are true for viruses?

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Antiseptic & Disinfectant MCQ Quiz part II- GPAT Pharmacist NIPER DI

1 / 22

Which of the following methods is useful for sterilization of antisera?

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Browne’s tube is used as indicator for efficacy of:

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All of the following are sporicidal except

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Which of the following method is best to sterilize heat labile solutions?

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Which of the following was the first widely used antiseptic and disinfectant?

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Identify the term that describes a disinfectant that can kill bacteria

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Identify the term that describes an environment completely free of microorganisms:

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Identify the correct definition of an antiseptic:

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Isopropyl alcohol show maximum antiseptic activity

12 / 22

Cidex contains

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Which of the following is a/an intermediate level disinfectant?

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R-W coefficient test is used to evaluate

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Glutaraldehyde is used for sterilization of

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Gamma radiation can be used for sterilization of the followings

20 / 22

Which bacteria spores are used in hot air oven sterilization

21 / 22

Steam sterilization at 100  for 20 minutes on 3 successive days is known as

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Bacteria that can survive in holder method of Pasteurization

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Indian ink staining is used to demonstrate

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All of the following are spore forming bacteria except

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Which one of the following bacteria is cell wall deficient?

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Lipopolysaccharide is a major component of cell wall in

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